368.6 Renewal

A complete renewal of NMP eligibility is required every twelve months. The SAR form serves as:       55 Pa. Code § 133.73   


CIS or eCIS sets the next SAR review for six months or the next renewal, whichever is sooner.  The individual must complete a new renewal form. This can be done by regular mail or online. If the renewal shows a change in expected income and expenses, the CAO will determine eligibility for NMP again, using the rules of Section 368.3, Continuing NMP, and Section 368.4, NMP Spend-Down.


A review of eligibility is required when the individual reports a change or the CAO learns of a change that could affect eligibility.

If the renewal process results in the applicant/recipient group’s ineligibility for continued NMP, the CAO will stop NMP after giving proper notice. The CAO will determine the group’s eligibility for Healthy Beginnings or MNO. ( Chapter 376, Renewal), for complete requirements for the renewal process.


Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing October 25, 2008