388.4 Buy-In Begins

The CAO sets the beginning date for Buy-In of Part A and Part B as follows:



                Example: Client is authorized PG00 effective 3/1/18. Buy-In should be authorized effective 04/2018.



                     NOTE:  If an individual becomes eligible for Medicare after Healthy Horizons eligibility begins, Buy-In eligibility begins in the month the individual becomes eligible for Medicare.


                     Example: Client was authorized PH00 effective 10/1/17.  Exchange 3 indicates Part A and/or Part B entitlement date 03/2018.  Buy-In should begin 03/2018.  



NOTE: If the SSA has not enrolled the individual in Buy-In after three months of Medicare eligibility, the CAO will process a manual accrete to enroll the individual. To confirm Buy-In enrollment, the CAO must set an alert to check Exchange 7. The alert should be set for three months after the date of Medicare eligibility.







Updated August 31, 2018, Replacing February 14, 2012