391.4 Approving the Supplement

If AAA decides that the individual is functionally disabled and the application is complete, the CAO must send a Notice to Applicant  with Your Right to Appeal and to a Fair Heading.  The CAO must forward the PA 747 to the SSA to approve payment of the Personal Care Supplement.      55 Pa Code  299.36 (2)(iv)(A)  


391.41 Effective Date of Eligibility for the Supplement

For the effective date on the PA 747, the CAO must use one of the following dates, whichever is later:


The SSA sets the effective date that the supplement must be paid by using the date the CAO enters on thePA 747 and the following rules:


NOTE:  The SSI begin date is based on the date the SSA accepts an application either by telephone, in person,  at the SSA office or the date the application  is  date-stamped in the SSA.  There is no retroactive eligibility for the Personal Care Supplement . The CAO should not authorize the Personal Care Supplement prior to the date SSI began.

391.42 Category, Program Status Code, and Facility Code

The CAO must assign category A, J, or M to the recipient of SSI and the Personal Care Home or Domiciliary Care Facility supplement. See Chapter 387, Supplemental Security Income, for a description of each category.


When an alert on Exchange #6 of IEVS shows that SSI has been opened or that the supplement has been added to an existing SSI benefit, the CAO must open the SSI case on CIS (if it is already open) and enter the right Program Status Code on CACOMP and the Facility Code on CAIFAC.


Program Status Codes

60—Individual receiving Domiciliary Care Supplement

62—Individual receiving PCBH supplement

Facility Codes

75—Domiciliary Care Facility

76—Personal Care Home

The State Living Arrangement Code (SLAC) found on the Basic Information tab on SDX Data Exchange 6, verifies the individual's living arrangement. A "G" designates the individual is residing in a Dom Care Home. An "H" designates a PCH.

NOTE:  When justified by the level of care determination reported on a PA 1768, Dom Care and PCH residents could require concurrent entry of facility and waiver codes.

391.43 Completing the Client Notice

A Notice to Applicant (PA/FS 162) and the most current version of Your Right to Appeal and to a Fair Hearing (PS/FS 162F) found in Docushare, must be sent to the individual as soon as the CAO gets the application from AAA.


 The CAO must write "Personal Care Supplement" in the "Other" benefit block on page one of the PA/FS 162 found in Docushare and use the language and regulations shown in Appendix B to explain to the individual the action that was taken.



NOTE:  The MA Non Money Payment (PA/162MN) is never appropriate to use for PCH supplement notification.


Updated April 8, 2016    Replacing May 7, 2015