Appendix D: CCYA/JPO Program Status Codes

30—Former Medical Assistance recipient under 18 being released from YDC/JPC

Identifies: A child and former Medical Assistance recipient who has been released from a Youth Detention Center or Youth Forestry Camp

Categories: PC

31—Federal Foster Care

Identifies: A child under placement with the County Children and Youth agency who is determined eligible for Placement Maintenance benefits.

Categories: PC, PCN and J

32—Federal Adoption Assistance

Identifies: A child who is adopted under the Title IV-E Federal Adoption Assistance Program. Coverage ends at age 18.

Categories: PC, PCN and J

33—State Foster Care

Identifies: A foster child who is eligible for Medical Assistance, but does not meet the requirements for Placement Maintenance.

Categories: PC, PCN and J

34—State Adoption Assistance

Identifies: A child who is adopted under the State Adoption Assistance Program. The child does not meet the requirements of the IV-E Federal Adoption Assistance Program. Coverage ends at age 18.

Categories: PC and PCN

35—Out of State Foster Care

Identifies: A child who has been placed in a home in Pennsylvania by the child welfare agency of another state and is receiving Out of State Foster Care Payments.

Categories: PC, PCN and J

36—Out of State Adoption Assistance

Identifies: A child who has been placed in a home in Pennsylvania and receives Out of State Adoption Assistance payments. Coverage ends at age 18.

Categories: PC, PCN and J

37—Subsidized Permanent Legal Custodianship

Identifies: A child who cannot return to their home and for whom adoption is not an option. A permanent legal custodian may receive a subsidy and has received legal custody of the child from the Juvenile Court. Coverage ends at age 18.

Categories: PC, PCN and J

Reviewed July 30, 2013