Appendix B: Bureau of Hearings and Appeals MAPPER Inquiry

To access the MAPPER files containing BHA appeal information, sign on to Mapper Department 143.

Enter caomenu for the menu.

The menu will provide the following selections:

The following codes are used on the screens:

Case Number – If there is no case number for the client, the county code followed by a pseudo appeal code is entered and it results in a pseudo number being generated. The resulting docket number consists of the two digit county code, a single alpha character designating the type of appeal, and four digits assigned in the order of appeals received. Pseudo codes include among others: A=LIHEAP, I=RIPD, J=Claims Review (018, 181, 182) and K=Misc. no case record number.

Example: 01A0001

Facility – Information regarding either the name of a nursing facility or the name of the legal representative, whichever is appropriate.

TI – Indicates the status of the appeal as follows:

A – Appeal

R – Request for reconsideration

M – Appeal remanded to BHA to hold a new hearing or to render a new decision pursuant to the filing of a request for reconsideration or a petition to a Commonwealth Court.

P – Petition for review filed with the Commonwealth Court

APP NUM – Indicates the specific appeal filed by a household. The largest number is the most recent.

RELIEF DATE – The date by which BHA must issue a hearing decision.

TH – Indicates the hearing method T = telephone with all parties on the telephone at different locations, F = face-to-face with all parties at the BHA regional office, N = no home phone telephone hearing with appellant at the CAO with the CAO staff and the ALJ on the telephone, P = face-to-face with the appellant at the regional BHA office and the CAO staff on the telephone.

LH – Indicates the location of the hearing (1 = Erie, 2 = Pittsburgh, 3 = Harrisburg, 4 = Reading, 5 = Scranton, 6 = Philadelphia).

APP CAT – Indicates the issue under appeal (see index of codes).

RA – Indicates whether or not benefits are continuing while the appeal is pending.

FD – Final Disposition. Codes include: F = Final Decision, B = Bench Decision, D = Dismissed, A = Abandoned, O = Order of Stipulation, W = Withdrawn.

DF – Indicates in whose favor the hearing decision was made (C = CAO, A = appellant, 1 = both parties in part, S = Adoption of Stipulation of Settlement. Codes 1, 2 and 3 apply when the FD code is W).

The following codes will appear in the second column indicating what follows in the Hearing Digest:

R – Regulation relied upon by the Administrative Law Judge.

I – Issue under appeal.

F – Facts as found by the hearing officer.

D – Disposition.

Reissued March 18, 2008, replacing June 13, 2003; reviewed July 25, 2013