Appendix A: SSN Posting Procedures

Each month the Enumeration System will automatically post SSNs verified through the tape exchange with SSA and the Alpha Search process. The ENV 190-R01 (SSN Enumeration – SSN not Posted/Zero SSNs over 120 Days) report is generated monthly. The report will list new SSNs not posted to eCIS because of demographic data mismatches or the individual cannot be located in eCIS. In addition, the report will list clients active in eCIS with zeros in the SSN field for over 120 days.

The Enumeration Report, ENV 190-R01, is generated for each caseload. The mismatched data on the report will be underlined with asterisks. These mismatches will continue to recycle on following reports until the information has been corrected and an SSN enumeration code 6 has been posted to eCIS. The “Recycle CNT” field on the report shows the number of times an attempt was made to post the SSN. In addition, the SSN verification code that is in eCIS will appear on the report.

The reason why an SSN did not post to eCIS is due to one or more of the following mismatched data:

The CAO will verify the mismatched data and, if necessary, correct the CIS data base and post the SSN and appropriate SSN verification code 1 or 2 to eCIS. If the data is correct in eCIS the CAO will send the client to SSA with a Referral to the Social Security Administration (PA 1564) so SSA can correct their files. The CAO must advise the client what type of verification SSA will need to make necessary corrections and help the client obtain the verification, if needed.

The SSNs which could not be posted to eCIS because of mismatch of a record number will be noted under caseload number zero (0000) for the individual county/district office.

Any person whose SSN cannot be posted because he cannot be found in eCIS will be recorded under county code 68. All counties will receive this list to review and identify persons in their county.

If an active recipient is in eCIS with zeros in the SSN Field for over 120 days, an asterisk will appear under the “Zero SSN (Over 120 days)” field. The CAO will review the data on the report and take the following steps within 30 days:

NOTE:  It is not necessary to see the card.


 SSN Enumeration Summary Reports

The SSN Enumeration System will post SSNs and generate summary reports no later than the 25th of each calendar month. The reports will show the following information:


The reports are as follows:

ENV 190-R02 (SSN Enumeration Caseload Totals by County/District/Caseload).
This report is sent to each individual county/district office.

ENV 190-R03 (SSN Enumeration/County and District Totals).
This report is sent to counties that have more than one district office.

ENV 190-R04 (SSN Enumeration/Area Level Totals by County).
This report is sent to the Bureau of Operations. It gives totals for each Area by county.

ENV 190-R05 (SSN Enumeration/State Level Totals by Area).
This report is sent to the Bureau of Operations. It gives totals for each Area and the State.


 Reviewed July 17, 2018