980.2 CAO Responsibilities

Each CAO must:


Each CAO must have a plan to make sure staff offers a Voter Registration Application form, even if the person is not applying for benefits, and offer to provide help completing the form. Multiple forms only need to be provided when the client requests multiple forms.

The CAO must not:

The CAO must forward to the OIM Coordinator any complaints made by  the public regarding the provision of voter registration services.

980.21 Receptionist Responsibilities

When a client comes into the CAO to report a change of address, receptionists will ask the client to fill out the Preference form (Voter Registration Questions form) (PA 1656) if the change of address is not  reported on a Food Stamp Program Change Report (PA 239SP) or any benefits application or form with a Voter Registration block.

If the client checks “Yes” on the form or leaves the answer blank, the receptionist should give the client a Voter Registration Cover Letter (CM 506) and a Voter Registration Application form (DSBE 600) and ask him or her to fill out the form.

If the client refuses to mark any boxes or otherwise complete the PA 1656, the receptionist must provide the client with a CM 506 and a DSBE 600.  The receptionist must note on the PA 1656 the client’s name and address and that the client was given a  DSBE 600.

The receptionist should give completed DSBE 600 forms to the office liaison.  A completed PA 1656 should be retained in the case record for 24 months.

980.22 Income Maintenance Caseworker Responsibilities

Caseworkers must offer voter registration services at application or redetermination, including any home visits used for these purposes, or when a change of address is reported.  Voter registration service also applies to information reported over the telephone or via computer (COMPASS application or redetermination). In addition, voter registration services must be offered with a Food Stamp Program Change Report (PA 239SP) and any other application or form with a Voter Registration block. The decision whether to register to vote is captured on the voter registration section of applications, renewals and SAR forms.  It is also captured on the COMPASS Individual Details screen and may be captured on a Preference form (Voter Registration Questions form (PA 1656). 

The caseworker must check the voter registration section of applications, renewals and SAR forms. Complete the block, “County Assistance Office Staff will complete this box based upon your response above”. The caseworker must check the Summary screen for COMPASS transactions.

NOTE: If the Voter Registration section does not appear on a COMPASS summary screen, the caseworker will consider the answer to have been left “blank”.

If the person wants to register to vote or leaves the answer blank, the caseworker must give/mail the person a CM 506 and a DSBE 600 and tell the person to complete the form in blue or black ink.

Responding to the Voter Registration questions remains a mandatory data entry field during Application Processing (AP) and Case Processing (CP).

For paper applications, the Voter Registration code must be manually entered based upon the individual's response to the Voter Registration question on the application.

The Voter Registration code for applications completed in COMPASS will be imported into AP.

The Voter Registration code will not be imported for Renewals completed in COMPASS.

Voter Registration codes captured in AP will be displayed in CP. Workers can modify the code in CP when necessary.

Enter the correct voter registration code in the Individual Non-Financial Demographics screen in eCIS, according to the Voter Registration Code Table (TVRT).

1- Yes, form given to client.

2- Yes, CAO transmitted form.

3- Declined, not interested.

4- Not Applicable.

NOTE: Use code 4 for any other individuals in the household that are not the Head of Household.

5- Not a U.S. citizen.

6- Declined, already registered.

8- Form mailed to client.

NOTE: Use code 8 when completing a telephone interview and the individual would like to register to vote.

9- No Preference Indicated.

NOTE: Use code 9 when the payment name is age 18 and greater AND the individual did not respond to the voter registration question on the on the form.

The Voter Registration Application form will be automatically mailed to the Head of Household when the Voter Registration code in AP or CP is an "8-Form mailed to client" or "9-No Preference Indicated".

NOTE: The automatic mailing of the Voter Registration Application form does not currently include LIHEAP applications. LIHEAP applicants who select "yes" or do not answer the question must be mailed Voter Registration Application forms by the CAO along with the CM 506.


Answering the voter registration question is optional for the client. The CAO cannot require the client to complete the Voter Registration Questions form (PA 1656) in order for the CAO to avoid sending the CM 506 and the DSBE 600

Example: Ms. Greene submits an Application for Benefits (PA 600) for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. She has left the voter registration questions unanswered on her application. During her phone interview, the caseworker asks her whether she would like to register to vote.

Whether Ms. Greene says "yes", "no" or tells the caseworker that she does not want to answer the questions, the caseworker will select "9-No preference indicated" on the voter registration question. Ms. Greene did not provide a written response to the voter registration question. Ms. Greene left the voter registration questions on her Application for Benefits unanswered. The caseworker does not send a PA 1656, since Ms. Greene already received the voter registration questions as part of her Application for Benefits. The system will automatically send Ms. Greene a voter registration application, DSBE 600.


For completed DSBE 600  forms the caseworker must:

When a client reports a change of address that is not in response to a question on the SAR or renewal form, the caseworker should, if possible:

If the client:

NOTE:  If the client does not return the PA 1656, the CAO is not required to take further action regarding voter registration for that transaction.

When a client's address is modified, the "Change of Address" field will automatically be selected by the system and a Voter Registration Application form will be automatically mailed along with the PA 1656. The worker should not uncheck the box unless a voter registration form does not need to be mailed.

 EXAMPLE: Ms. Jones reports a change of address in person. She is provided a PA 1656 on which she indicates she would like to register to vote. The CAO provides her with a the DSBE 600 and offers to provide assistance with completing the form. The caseworker will uncheck the box when completing the address change to avoid mailing a duplicate DSBE 600.

NOTE: If the individual verbally declines to register to vote when the change of address is reported, the box should not be unchecked. The NVRA requires that the declination be in writing.

Any decisions or actions that are not captured using the voter registration codes in the system must be noted in the case file. Reasons for any action taken to suppress the mailing of a voter registration form must be noted in the case record.

CAO staff must offer to help clients complete the DSBE 600.  Indicate on the Preference form (Voter Registration Questions form (PA 1656) that you assisted in the completion of the DSBE 600.

Reissued March 14, 2019, replacing July 22, 2013