The TANF Agreement of Mutual Responsibility (AMR) is a plan of action the applicant or recipient and the caseworker develop together. Found on Docushare, the AMR form is the PA 1661.
The purpose of the AMR is to direct the person’s efforts toward family economic security by identifying reasonable goals and determining what activities the person will complete to achieve those goals. In addition, the AMR explains how Department of Human Services (DHS) supports the person’s efforts with supportive services and referrals to community agencies.
The ultimate goal for each person is to become family economically secure. When that goal is reached is determined by the person’s strengths and the challenges he or she faces.
The AMR is the caseworker's tool to help the person become family economically secure before benefits are exhausted. The caseworker must talk with the person and list on the AMR specific activities that the person must complete or agree to complete and the time frame for completing each activity.
The AMR also offers the person and caseworker the opportunity to address personal and family issues that may block progress or keep children from becoming productive, family economically secure adults.
Ways to help families thrive include the following:
Keeping all family members healthy.
Seeing that children do well in school.
Improving housing conditions.
Updated August 12, 2016 , Replacing October 28, 2015