Appendix H: MPP Program Overview

Maximizing Participation Project (MPP) is an Employment and Training (E&T) Program that provides services to TANF and Extended TANF individuals who have been identified as having:

MPP focuses on the needs and barriers of the entire family.  The primary goal of MPP is to help clients secure and retain employment by providing services and encouragement that will help the client and household members remediate or stabilize barriers that may hinder them from achieving self-sufficiency.  This is accomplished through appropriate assessments, evaluations, services, and activities. 

NOTE: Participation in MPP is available only to clients in Philadelphia CAOs.

All other client who meet MPP criteria should be referred to a Work Ready provider by the CAO.

There is no maximum limit of months to participate in MPP.

MPP Eligibility Criteria

Volunteer Participants (Pre-60 Month)

TANF individuals may volunteer for MPP if they have:

Mandatory Participants (Post 60 Month- Extended TANF)

Sanction Procedures


MPP is designed to provide individuals with the opportunity, tools and services needed to move toward self-sufficiency through a variety of social and health-related services, intensive case management, education, training and ultimately employment opportunities. MPP has a team-centered approach. A team of professionals, called the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) will help the individual identify and resolve barriers.  

The MPP worker will coordinate with the CAO Disability Advocacy Worker (DAP) and local social service agencies such as:

Work Ready (WR)

The MPP Worker and Team should determine if participants are ready to increase activity hours because they have resolved or stabilized their barriers sufficiently, or have minimal barriers, and do not require extensive interventions  MPP participants who need the support of a ramp-up to employment can be referred to the WR contractor for Employment and Training activities. 

The CAO will close the MPP case, project code B, and any activities associated with MPP on the ETP Project Enrollment screen in order for the MPP participant to participate in WR.

Pending SSI Approval

If a post-60 month participant has been connected with all necessary services, barriers are resolved or appropriately stabilized, does not need continued MPP Team follow-up, and now is only  awaiting a decision from Social Security, it is appropriate for the participant to be terminated from MPP using termination code J (Pending SSI Approval), and enrolled in Project A with a Sub-project code 24 on the ETP Project Enrollment screen.  The participant would then be entered in the Deferral Track, TE code 34.  There is no current time limit regarding the amount of time in the Deferral Track.  These participants will be transitioned to a Disability Advocacy Program (DAP) or ongoing caseload to be determined by the CAO.

Referral Process

1.  If the individual’s needs would be better met by MPP because the individual has multiple barriers to participation and has demonstrated a pattern of being terminated from E&T programs due to these barriers, or the individual chooses to volunteer for MPP.

2.  If needed to determine eligibility the contractor or the CAO will provide the individual with a PA 635.

NOTE:  The contractor continues to serve the individual until the MPP referral is completed.

3.  The individual returns the PA 635, and it  indicates the individual  has a disability.

4.  The individual completes a Medical and Social History (PA 1718).

NOTE:  The MPP worker may assist the individual.

 5.  When the  individual  meets with the MPP worker:

NOTE:  The individual must participate for an average of 20 hours per week, unless the individual 's circumstances and the MDT recommends less than 20 hours per week. However, at no time will this reduction go below 5 hours per week.

NOTE:  The MPP worker and individual  can agree to complete this information during one meeting or during several meetings.

6.  The individual and the MPP worker meet with the MDT.

7.  Finalizes the MPP Service Plan and attaches it to the AMR.

8.  Refers the individual  to appropriate social and health-related services and monitors the individual's progress.

NOTE: Steps 5 through 8 can be repeated as necessary

9.  Completes a Work Capacity Assessment (WCA) for individuals who enrolled in MPP after they began receiving Extended TANF.

NOTE:  In Philadelphia County, the Home Health Assessment (HHA) is administered instead of the WCA.


eCIS Data Entry Procedures

Data entry will be considered timely if entered within five days of the start date of the activity.

Enter ETP code 53.


Extended TANF Rules

As TANF clients reach their five-year limit of welfare benefits, they must meet certain Extended TANF eligibility requirements to continue receiving TANF Cash Assistance beyond the five-year limit. One way to qualify for Extended TANF is through enrollment and participation in MPP.

In Philadelphia, Extended TANF MPP participants go through a Home Health Assessment (HHA), provided by PHMC.

The goal of the HHA is to fully evaluate an individual 's circumstances by assessing the his or her health condition and current household situation.

If the individual is already enrolled in MPP at the time he or she reaches 1,830 days of TANF, he or she may continue to participate in MPP.

An individual is eligible for the Extended TANF MPP track when he or she has a verified disability and is exempt from RESET. A referral to MPP is required unless the individual is awaiting receipt of SSI.


Updated April 11, 2013, replacing May 11, 2012