NOTE: For income information specific to General Assistance, See CAH 106.

150.1 General Policy

The CAO must consider all countable earned and unearned income to determine the budget group’s eligibility and monthly assistance payment. State and federal laws exclude certain sources of income. This chapter lists those excluded income sources.        

55 Pa. Code § 183.11

An individual must cooperate with the CAO to determine whether the following possible sources of income can be made available:

NOTE:  The CAO will refer individuals who are receiving Social Security disability benefits from Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands to the local Social Security office for a determination of SSI eligibility.       

55 Pa. Code § 141.21(n)

55 Pa. Code § 183.13(a)

An applicant who fails to cooperate, without good cause, in establishing eligibility for federal benefits will be determined ineligible for assistance as follows:

55 Pa. Code § 141.21(n)(1)  

55 Pa. Code § 183.13(c)

A recipient’s benefits will end if he or she fails to cooperate without good cause in establishing eligibility for SSI, RSDI, TANF, Extended TANF, or other federal benefits. Benefits stop until the recipient complies. If the recipient has received 60 months of TANF, the recipient’s family is also ineligible until the recipient complies.        

55 Pa. Code § 141.21(n)(1)

55 Pa. Code § 183.13(b)


NOTE:  A person is considered an applicant until the CAO authorizes or rejects the application. When benefits are authorized, the person is considered a recipient.

A person who is eligible for TANF and SSI may choose to receive either benefit. The person may not receive SSI and TANF for himself or herself at the same time.

55 Pa. Code § 183.13(d)

150.11 Verification

The person must cooperate in providing verification of all countable gross income.

NOTE:  If the person cooperates, the CAO must not deny benefits. The CAO will record all income and the type of verification in the case record.

55 Pa. Code § 183.5

Documents that may be used as verification include, but are not limited to, the following:

Reminder: Checks do not always show the gross income amount. Add any deductions for medical insurance, support payments, etc.

NOTE:  The CAO must scan or copy and save pay stubs and employer statements used to determine eligibility and the grant amount at application, renewal, and SAR review and when new earned income information is reported. Verification of actual hours worked is required to complete the Federal TANF reports. 


Reissued November 2, 2018;  replacing June 17, 2016