Parent/caretakers who receive child care allowances and have a co-payment must meet the following co-pay requirements:
The employed TANF budget group shall pay the required co-payment toward the cost of child care.
The co-payment is due on the first day of the service week (the day the child is enrolled with a provider by the CCIS) regardless of the day the child is enrolled and is due on the Monday of each week thereafter.
A co-payment is delinquent if it is not paid by the last day of the service week (the last day of the week in which the child attended care with the provider or no later than Friday of that week).
If the co-payment is decreased as the result of a redetermination, the employed TANF budget group shall begin paying the reduced co-payment on the Monday following the date of the redetermination.
If the co-payment is increased as the result of a redetermination, the employed TANF budget group shall begin paying the increased co-payment on the Monday following the notification advising the budget group of the co-payment increase.
If the co-payments for 1 month are equal to or exceed the monthly payment for care, the family is not eligible for subsidized child care with that provider.
Ineligibility for a child care payment will result when a member of the TANF budget group is participating in a paid work-related activity and fails to pay the required copayment determined by the CCIS agency. The TANF budget group remains ineligible for a child care payment until overdue copayments are paid or satisfactory arrangements for payment have been made with the CCIS and the provider.
55 Pa. Code § 168.44 55 Pa. Code § 168.49
If the client does not pay the co-payment, the CCIS agency will take the following action:
Issue an adverse action notice to discontinue child care after the provider notifies the CCIS agency of the delinquent co-payment;
Pay through the date the adverse action notice expires;
Notify eCIS via PELICAN of discontinuance and eCIS sets worker alert 088.
Reissued November 15, 2013, replacing September 28, 2012