Appendix A: Minor Parent Examples

Example #1: Ms. A receives TANF for herself, her 16-year old daughter, Mary and her daughter’s child, Melissa. Ms. A. is enrolled in and currently attending an approved ETP work-related activity while Mary attends high school full time. Child care is requested for Melissa. The household is eligible for child care and is referred to the CCIS agency. Ms. A. is coded (ES), Mary is (EC) and Melissa is (EC).

Example #2: Mrs. P is employed full time. Mrs. P receives TANF benefits for her 17-year old niece, Barbara, and Barbara’s son, Steven. Barbara attends high school full time and child care is needed for Steven. To be eligible for child care, the TANF minor parent may volunteer to participate in the RESET program and agree to attend high school full time. Mrs. P signs the AMR on behalf of her niece, indicating this agreement. Mrs. P is coded (NS), the niece is (EP) and must have a living arrangement code 10 and Steven is (EC).

NOTE: Even though the aunt is not a TANF budget group member, child care for Steven may be received through the CCIS agency. Since Barbara is a minor parent volunteering to participate, has an AMR which states that she agrees to continue to attend and complete high school and Mrs. P is employed, there is a need for child care.

Example #3: Mrs. S, an unemployed grandmother, applies for TANF benefits on behalf of her granddaughter and great-granddaughter. Her granddaughter attends high school full time. The household is ineligible for child care as there is a parent/caretaker available in the home to provide child care. The grandmother is coded (NS), the granddaughter is (EP) and her child is (EC). If the grandmother meets one of the documented exemptions as listed under CAH 183.26, then this budget group may qualify for child care and be referred to the CCIS agency. The grandmother must complete and sign an AMR on behalf of her granddaughter, indicating that the minor parent volunteers for RESET and agrees to attend high school full time. The grandmother is coded (NS), the minor parent is (EP) with a living arrangement code 10 and her child is (EC).

Example #4: Mr. and Mrs. D receive TANF for themselves, their two children and their minor parent daughter and her child. All are mandatory budget group members. Both adults are participating in approved ETP/work-related projects and request child care for their grandchild while the minor parent attends high school full time. This case is eligible for child care and referred to the CCIS agency. Mr. D and Mrs. D are coded (ES), the minor parent is (EC) (deprivation due to unemployment of parents) with a living arrangement 10 and all of the other children are (EC) as well.

Example #5: Mr. L and Mrs. L are employed and do not want to apply for TANF for themselves and their two children, John and Tara. They are requesting TANF and assistance with child care costs for their grandchild, Max, so that 16-year old Tara, can continue to attend high school full time. Tara must be included as a mandatory TANF budget group member with her child. Mr. L. and Mrs. L’s income is deemed to their daughter. If Tara and Max are eligible for TANF, the case may be referred to the CCIS agency for TANF child care. Tara’s parents must complete and sign an AMR on her behalf stating that she volunteers for RESET and agrees to continue to attend high school full time. Mr. L is coded (NL) and Mrs. L is coded (NS), two children are (NX), Tara is (EP) (no deprivation exists for the minor parent) with living arrangement code 10 and the grandchild is coded (EC).

Example #6: Heather, age 17 and a full time high school student, and her daughter Tracey live with a family friend, Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Bennett is coded (NA), Heather is (EP) with living arrangement code 10 and Tracey is (EC). Because Mrs. Bennett works and Heather is in high school, there is a need for child care. Mrs. Bennett must complete and sign an AMR on Heather’s behalf providing that Heather agrees to participate in RESET and continue to attend high school. The case is referred to the CCIS agency for TANF child care. There is no available adult in the home to provide care while the minor parent attends high school.

Example #7: Ms. Sanders is under a sanction for failure to comply with RESET. Ms. Sanders is the payment name for TANF benefits for her 16-year old daughter Margaret and Margaret’s son, Jason. Margaret attends high school. Since Ms. Sanders is in the home, unemployed and not participating in an approved work-related activity, there is no need for child care. Ms. Sanders is coded (DS), Margaret is (EC) and Jason is (EC). When Ms. Sanders’ sanction ends and she agrees to comply with RESET requirements and attend an approved work-related activity, child care will be needed for Jason. At that time, a referral may be made to the CCIS agency for TANF child care. Begin eligibility for child care on Ms. Sanders ES effective date.

NOTE: The minor parent is required to be in the budget group unless the minor parent does not qualify as a TANF child (EC); the minor parent is not designated the specified relative (ES or NS); or the minor parent is not required to be in the TANF budget group of a sibling (EC). The minor parent is coded EP if she does not meet the TANF requirements. Please refer to Section 110.6 TANF Minor Parents.

Reissued November 15, 2013, replacing September 28, 2012