Appendix D: Desk Guide to Application Processing for Households and Families Recently Discontinued or Denied Benefits

At Application

All programs

A new application or renewal form is not required when an application is denied or when ongoing benefits are discontinued for reasons other than income, resources or failure to meet Job Search requirements and the client reapplies within 60 days of the application date for denials or within 60 days of the date of closing.

Cash Assistance

Determine whether another personal interview is required. Consider the following:

Authorize benefits from the date eligibility is established (that is, when all eligibility factors are reviewed, required verification is provided, and rights and responsibilities are explained).

Medical Assistance


At Renewal

All programs

A new application form is not required if all of the following conditions are met:

Cash Assistance renewal

NOTE:  When reopening Cash Assistance, evaluate whether a retroactive period of Medical Assistance must be authorized to cover medical services received since the date of the Cash Assistance closing.

Medical Assistance renewal

SNAP renewal

NOTE:  Review the case for expedited benefits because of a break in service.

At Case Closing

Cash Assistance

Medical Assistance


Cash Assistance and SNAP

Reissued January 12, 2023, replacing September 28, 2012