Appendix E: Education Leading to Employment and Career Training (ELECT)

What is ELECT?

Expectant, custodial, and noncustodial parents of all genders who are under 22, attending a K-12 educational entity sanctioned by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), and receiving TANF may be referred to and have their work activity requirements met by the ELECT program. Individuals not receiving benefits with personal earned income under 235 percent of the Federal Poverty Income Guideline (FPIG) may also be eligible for the ELECT program through the Family Works (FW) initiative.

Who is eligible for ELECT?

Individuals eligible for ELECT are/have:

What is the principal goal of ELECT?

The principal goal of the ELECT program is to assist the eligible expectant, custodial, and noncustodial parenting youth break the cycle of welfare dependence by remaining in school, maintaining regular attendance, obtaining a high school diploma or HSE credential, and securing post-graduation employment, education, or training that will move them toward becoming successful parents and self-sufficient adults.

Does ELECT provide other services and assistance?

In addition to promoting self-sufficiency programs, ELECT will provide participants with pregnancy prevention information, guidance, and services to reduce the incidence of secondary youth pregnancies. ELECT provides services such as intensive case management, parenting and child development education, vocational and career planning, information and referral on domestic violence issues, budgeting and family planning, and summer programming. ELECT provides services to promote the importance of healthy parental relationships and encourage the significance of fathers in their children’s lives.

Can ELECT participants receive Special Allowances (SPALs)?

ELECT participants who receive TANF may be eligible for special allowances. A TANF recipient’s eligibility for SPALs is not determined based on their participation with ELECT, it is based on their verified need to support an allowable TANF RESET activity. See 135.6 Special Allowances for Supportive Services.

ELECT participants enrolled via the FW imitative are not eligible for SPALs regardless of age because they do not receive TANF. FW ELECT students who receive SNAP are not eligible for SNAP SPALs because high school is not an approved SNAP Employment and Training component and cannot be supported with SNAP SPALs.

1. Referral Process.

       not enrolled in school full-time. See 135.33 Under Age 18 Exemption, or

       exempt from RESET due to full-time enrollment in school pursuing a high school diploma or equivalent (ETP 51) and volunteers to participate in ELECT (USE ETP 61). See 135.5 Volunteering to Participate in RESET.


2.  Forms

3.  eCIS Data Entry Procedures

For TANF participants:

Enter ETP code 60 if mandatory. Enter ETP code 61 if exempt but volunteers.

For FW participants:

The SC category is a time-limited budget. The End Date can be extended in 1-year increments until the student is no longer participating in the ELECT program.


For TANF participants:

For FW participants:

5.  ETANF Rules

6.  Sanction Procedures

Issued September 21, 2021.