137.4 Work Expense Reimbursement

The Work Expense Reimbursement (WER) project is designed to assist Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Extended TANF (ETANF) families with an adult who is working by authorizing $50 per month to help with work expenses. Eligible families  received $25 each payment date in addition to their cash assistance grant. A family would only receive one $50 WER per month regardless of the number of employed persons. The $50 monthly payment is was excluded as income when determining SNAP and Medical Assistance benefits.

TANF and ETANF families are no longer reviewed for WER eligibility. Households who received the WER were transitioned out of the program between September 28, 2020 and June 30, 2021 when an eligibility determination was processed on the case. If the household was eligible for the Earned Income Disregard (EID), the new Work Expense Deduction (WED) was applied.  (see CAH 160 Income Deductions)

Reissued April 14, 2023 replacing December 11, 2017