171.2 The Semiannual Reporting System

The Cash Assistance /SNAP Semiannual Reporting System (CFSAR) controls benefit issuance to budget groups enrolled in SAR. The system issues a SAR form to each budget group according to the case issuance cycle. The CAO data enters information into the system showing the SAR form as complete or incomplete. Updating of the system is called tracking.

If the SAR form is tracked as not received or is incomplete, the system suspends benefits and sends a Late/Incomplete Notice (L/IN) to the client. The L/IN informs the client of the missing information. The client must return the information to the CAO no later than the Extended Due Date. See Appendix D.

The CAO should discontinue benefits when the client does not submit a SAR form or L/IN on or before the Extended Due Date.

NOTE: A completed SAR form is not necessary if the renewal and the SAR review are due in the same month. The renewal serves as the six-month review.

Benefits remain suspended until the budget group’s benefit is reinstated or closed. The CAO reinstates benefits without an application if the client returns the SAR form or L/IN by the Extended Due Date. If the CAO receives a completed SAR form or L/IN after the Extended Due Date, no application is required to reinstate benefits if good cause is established.

The SAR system provides two on-line reports for the CAO:

The CAO should review these reports and take the appropriate action. The SAR system also prepares a Monthly Statistical Report for Headquarters use.

NOTE:  Complete data entry instructions are found in the Using CIS Manual, Chapter 23, available on the OIM Intranet.

171.21 CAO Responsibilities for Semiannual Reporting Cases

Before enrolling the client in SAR, the CAO must give the client the following:

The CAO must help a client who asks for help completing and filing the SAR form when the budget group’s adult members are mentally handicapped, physically handicapped, non-English-speaking, or lacking reading or writing skills.

NOTE: The CAO must remove the budget group from SAR when it no longer meets any of the criteria for SAR.

171.22 Beginning Enrollment in the Semiannual Reporting System

The CAO must enroll a client in the SAR system at one of the following times:

NOTE: An employer’s written information is enough verification. More proof, such as pay stubs, is not required.

Examples: The CAO receives an IEVS match in April indicating employment for October, November, and December. The CAO verifies the information in April. If the information shows current employment income, the CAO must enroll the client in SAR and review October through April for a possible overpayment.

On June 28, the CAO receives outside information showing possible employment since October. The CAO verifies the information June 28. If the information shows current employment income, the CAO enrolls the client in SAR and reviews October through June for a possible overpayment.

The CAO must complete appropriate data entry to begin enrollment in the SAR System. All cases require one of the following codes:

1—Must be enrolled in SAR.

6—Exempt, meets no requirements.

171.23 Alignment of the Semiannual Reporting Period

When a SNAP household enrolled in SAR applies for and is authorized for TANF or Medical Assistance using an application form that includes SNAP (PA 600 or 600R), the CAO may choose to complete a SNAP renewal interview. The CAO can shorten the current SNAP certification period and establish a new SNAP certification period to align with the Medical Assistance or TANF certification period. See Appendix A.

NOTE: If it is to the recipient’s benefit, the CAO should complete the SNAP renewal interview at the time of the TANF or Medical Assistance application.

Example: Ms. Waters and her two children receive SNAP and are participating in SAR, with a March SAR due date. In January, Ms. Waters’ work hours are reduced and she applies for Cash Assistance. TANF is authorized. The CAO sets a July SAR due date for the Cash Assistance budget. SNAP benefits are recertified in January, setting a new SAR due date of July to align with the cash SAR due date.

When changing an ongoing non-SAR budget to SAR in a household that already has a program in SAR, the IMCW must align the SAR due dates with the next SAR review date.

Example: Ms. Founders and her three children receive Cash Assistance and SNAP. Ms. Founders is participating in SAR for SNAP, with an April SAR due date. In January, Ms. Founders reports employment income. Her cash and SNAP benefits are changed beginning in February, with a July cash SAR due date. In April, the SAR form is received for SNAP. The CAO reviews and uses this SAR form to determine the next semiannual period for both the Cash Assistance and SNAP programs.

NOTE: The SAR due dates for Extended Medical Care may not be changed to align with any other SAR due date. An MNO budget with a patient pay liability cannot be aligned with any other SAR budgets in the record until the patient pay liability period has ended.

171.24 Form Retention

The CAO must keep the Semiannual Reporting forms, Late/Incomplete Notices, and data entry documents for six years. Failure to keep these forms in the record can result in a Quality Control error and make the budget ineligible. The CAO must also keep any documents used to establish good cause, such as postmarked envelopes.

NOTE: Generated SAR and L/IN notices are kept in CIS for 125 days. The CAO may regenerate a prepopulated form using the Client Notice Reprint system or via the Corr tab of eCIS. See Section 171.37.

Reissued September 18, 2012, replacing January 31, 2012