181.2 Correction of an Underpayment

The CAO must authorize an OTI to correct an underpayment. To be eligible for a corrective payment, the individual must be:

  55 Pa. Code § 227.24(d)(1)(ii)(A)

The individual is eligible for a corrective payment if one of the following conditions is met:

Example: The CAO discovers that an individual was eligible for a transportation allowance to attend a training program, but the individual did not report the need because he or she did not realize a special items allowance was available. 

Exception: The CAO must not correct an underpayment if an individual fails to report timely a change in need or if the CAO acts timely on a verified change in need.

Example: Ms. Robins receives TANF for herself and three children. She works 30 hours per week. On November 10, her hours are reduced to 25 hours per week. The first check that shows this change in hours is received on November 21. If Ms. Robins reports and verifies the decrease in earned income, the CAO  will increase the cash benefit with the first payment date that can be met. However, Ms. Robins fails to report and verify this change until December 15. The CAO adjusts the cash benefit effective with the first payment date after December 15 that can be met with proper notice. The CAO is not required to issue a supplemental payment.

NOTE:  The addition of an individual to a budget cannot be retroactive to a date before the completion of his or her PA 600, regardless of when the need began.


NOTE:  An agency error has not occurred if the CAO overestimated or underestimated anticipated income if the estimate was reasonable. A reasonable estimate is based on verified information provided by the individual and/or the source of the income.

NOTE:  An agency delay has not occurred if the CAO acted timely on a verified change in need.

Example: The individual was unable to receive a deduction from earned income for dependent care because the dependent care provider failed to provide proof of payment.

Example: The CAO denies TANF to a recipient who has failed to provide verification for eligibility. The hearing decision orders the CAO to provide TANF based on information provided at the hearing. There is no federally required time limit on the retroactive period that can be covered when correcting an underpayment for a TANF case.

The OTI for a corrective payment may be issued from the county emergency fund if the budget group has an immediate need for cash, or by Central Office issuance. See Section 180.4 for requirements for using the county emergency fund. 

Use one of the following reason codes to issue a corrective payment:

105—due to the individual when the case is currently active

106—resulting from administrative error or delay

107—resulting from a hearing decision

110—for an earlier period of assistance to an individual who is reapplying

199—a court order

Process an OTI for a corrective payment within 30 days. A corrective payment is delayed if more than 60 days have gone by since the date the budget group was underpaid. Reason codes 105, 106, 107, 110, and 199 will allow issuance of an OTI beyond the 30-day limit. See Section 181.3 for authorizing an OTI that is delayed more than 60 days.

If the budget group has a cash underpayment and overpayment during the same period, authorize a corrective payment, and refer the overpayment to OSIG. Advise OSIG of any corrective payments on the Overpayment Referral (OIG 189).    

55 Pa. Code § 183.121

181.21 Correction of Underpayments for a Newborn Child

Make corrective payments for the following agency errors:

Example: An MA 112 came into the CAO on May 21 noting that a newborn child's date of birth was April 28. For some reason, no action was taken. The parent called on June 1 to ask when would the benefit increase for the newborn. The parent reported that they were released from the hospital on May 11. Since the MA 112 was received during the grace period, the CAO issues a corrective payment retroactive to the newborn child’s date of birth.

   55 Pa. Code § 227.24(d)(1)(ii)(A)(IV)

There is no corrective payment for an administrative error if the hospital did not process the MA 112 because they billed a third party. If the hospital does not provide an MA 112 or does not provide one timely, authorize MA retroactively to the date of birth when notified of the birth of the child.

Example: The hospital did not send an MA 112 or otherwise notify the CAO until August 1 for a newborn child born on May 1 because they had billed a third-party insurance company. A corrective payment is not processed, because an administrative error did not occur.


Revised June 21, 2024, replacing September 21, 2012