477.1 General Policy

The County Assistance Office (CAO) will send a notice to the individual when it takes or plans to take an action regarding eligibility for Medical Assistance (MA) Long Term Care (LTC) facility or Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). In addition to the notice to the individual, the CAO will send copies of all notices to:

55 Pa. Code §125.1(k)
55 Pa. Code § 133.4(a)

NOTE: By entering the names of the representative, LTC facility, LTC Service Provider, and assessing agency or independent enrollment broker on the Provider Screen the CAO will ensure that all involved parties will receive copies of the notices generated.

The notice will contain the following information in language that is easily understood:

When one type of notice is specified for a particular action, another notice is not required. For example, a Confirming Notice is not sent to confirm that the action proposed by an Advance Notice was actually taken.

55 Pa. Code § 133.4(e)

NOTE:  System generated notices should be sent when available because the system generated notices contain the appropriate citations and all pertinent information in language that is easily understood. Unlike manual notices, the date system generated notices were processed and mailed is easily documented. Reprints of system generated notices are available in e-CIS by accessing the 'Correspondence' tab.

Updated April 1, 2019,  Replacing April 11, 2017