312.4 Income

When deciding on an individual’s eligibility in a MAGI MA-related category, the CAO must count the monthly earned income and unearned income of every individual included in the individual’s tax household.

42 CFR § 435.603(d)


MA financial eligibility is based on current monthly household income in most scenarios. For MAGI MA, some determinations must be reviewed for eligibility based on an annualized calculation. (See Section 312.43, Annualized Income)  


Counted and excluded income for MAGI is based on what is included in Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) when filing a tax return with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The following income types are not typically included in AGI, but are considered countable for MA purposes:


NOTE: To determine if RSDI is counted for a child or tax dependent see (Section 312.44, Income of Children and Tax Dependents).  



Certain excluded types and sources of income for MAGI-related MA are listed in this chapter. They are not counted in the MA financial eligibility decision.

42 CFR § 435.603(e)

312.41 Earned Income

The CAO must count payments for services as earned income. Earned income includes, but is not limited to the following:



NOTE: Because MAGI uses IRS guidelines for determining household income, all expenses reported on the household's 1040 Schedule C (Profit or Loss from Business) are allowable deductions for MAGI. This includes offsetting self-employment losses against other income reported on the IRS form 1040 (see Section 312.53, Offsetting Self-Employment Losses).



The CAO must get proof of all earned income and include the proof and the amount in the case record in accordance with

Section 312.61, Verification Requirements.

42 CFR § 435.948(a)(6)

312.42 Unearned Income

The CAO must look at the total amount of unearned income in the household when determining MAGI-related MA eligibility.

Unearned income includes, but is not limited to, the following:


NOTE: RSDI income of a child or tax dependent may or may not count for MAGI-related MA. (See Section 312.44, Income of Children and Tax Dependents).


NOTE: Non-taxable sick benefits are excluded from income. (See Section 312.45 Excluded Income).


NOTE: If the rental property is not managed by third party consider the income self-employment.



NOTE: A prize is a cash payment won in a contest, lottery, or game relating to luck. An individual usually gets an award because of a decision by a court, board of arbitration, or similar legal body. 


An individual may receive a prize as a lump sum or in regular payments.

 55 Pa. Code § 140.61




          • Cash support does not count:


Example 1: An uncle gives $200 every month to their 25-year-old nephew. The uncle does not claim the nephew as a tax dependent. The uncle does not expect their nephew to repay this money. The $200 is not counted in the nephew's monthly unearned income.


Example 2: A parent gives $200 every month to their 19-year-old child, who the parent claims as a tax dependent. The parent does not expect their child to repay this money. The $200 is not counted in the child’s unearned income.


Example 3:  A parent gives $200 every month to her 19-year-old child, who the parent does not claim as a tax dependent. The parent does not expect their child to repay this money. The $200 is not counted in the child’s unearned income.


          • Cash support does count:


Example 1: An individual gives $200 every month to their elderly parent, who the individual claims as a tax dependent. The individual does not expect their parent to repay this money. Count the full amount after the first $50. The parent's countable cash support is $150 per month.


Example 2: A grandparent gives $200 every month to their 19-year-old grandchild, who the grandparent claims as a tax dependent. The grandparent does not expect their grandchild to repay this money. Count the full amount after the first $50. The grandchild's countable cash support is $150 per month.







NOTE: Cash support is money received on a frequent and regular basis with no expectation of repayment.


NOTE: Child support is not considered cash support.    


The CAO must verify all unearned income and include the proof and the amount in the case record in accordance with

Section 312.61, Verification Requirements

 42 CFR § 435.948(a)(6)

42 CFR § 435.603(f)(2)

42 CFR § 435.603(f)(3)


312.43 Annualized Income

If a MAGI budget group's monthly income (earned and/or unearned) exceeds the monthly income limit and the income is expected to decrease or terminate, an annualized income calculation must be performed. The expected decrease or termination must be verified in accordance with Section 312.61 Verification Requirements and Section 312.62 Reasonable Compatibility.  


42 CFR § 435.603(h)(3)


To determine annual household income, total the household's countable earned and unearned income from January 1 through December 31 of the year in which the eligibility is being determined and compare to the annual income limit.


NOTE: The caseworker must manually calculate the annual income. If the income is within the limit, data enter the earned and unearned income respectively with a frequency code of “9-Annually.” The caseworker may need to create two income screens or complete a manual override if income annualization is not allowed for other budgets or programs on the case record. 


Example: Mary (37) is a single adult who applies for health care. Mary works part-time as a school bus driver. Mary's current monthly income of $2,000 exceeds the 133% monthly income limit (even with the 5% income disregard applied) for health care coverage (one-person 2024 household limit is $1,670 per month and the 5% disregard is $62.75). However, Mary indicates that they do not work at all for the months of June, July and August each year and has provided verification from her employer. Mary's annual income beginning January 1 and ending December 31 would be $18,000 ($2,000 x 9 months). The 133% annual income limit for a one-person household for 2024 is $20,030. When the income is annualized, it is under the 133% annual limit and Mary is eligible for health care coverage. 

Example: John (46) is applying for healthcare for self and their child, Doug (14). John submits an application to the CAO on June 29. John was working full-time up until this point. John had an accident at home and indicates that they will be out of work until September 1. John’s monthly wages were $2,500 per month and they received their most recent pay on June 26. John has verification from their employer that they will not receive another pay until they return  to work.  John’s income in the application month exceeds the 133% monthly income limit (even with the 5% income disregard applied) for health care coverage (two-person 2024 household limit is $2,266 per month and the 5% disregard is $85.20). John's annual income beginning January 1 and ending December 31 would be $25,000 ($2,500 x 10 months). The 133% annual income limit for a two-person household for 2024 is $27,186. Both John and Doug would qualify for health care.

Example: Betty (59) is applying for healthcare for self. Betty submits an MA application on June 14. Betty is receiving unemployment compensation of $2,340 per month. Betty's current monthly income exceeds the 133% monthly income limit (even with the 5% income disregard applied) for health care coverage (one-person 2024 household limit is $1,670 per month and the 5% disregard is $62.75). Betty provides verification that their unemployment compensation will run out at the end of June. Betty's annual income beginning January 1 through December 31 would be $14,040 ($2,340 x 6 months). The 133% annual income limit for a one-person household for 2024 is $20,030. When the income is annualized, it is under the 133% annual limit and Betty is eligible for health care coverage.

312.44  Income of Children and Tax Dependents

To determine if the MAGI-related income of a child (under age 19) or tax dependent is countable review these two factors:



Child or Tax Dependent Living with Biological, Adoptive or Step-Parent



Example: Mary applies for MA for self and their child, Marty (16). Mary will file taxes and will claim Marty as a dependent. Marty works part-time and has annual earnings exceeding the tax filing threshold for a child or tax dependent. When determining eligibility for both Mary and Marty, Marty’s income is counted.


Example: Henrietta applies for MA for self and their adult child, Basil (35). Henrietta will file taxes and will claim Basil as a dependent. Basil works part-time and has annual earnings exceeding the tax filing threshold for a child or tax dependent. When determining eligibility for both Henrietta and Basil, Basil’s employment income is counted.


42 CFR § 435.603 (d)(2)(i) 


Example: Steve applies for MA for self and their child, Amy (17). Neither Steve nor Amy will file taxes, and Amy will not be claimed as a dependent. Amy works part-time and has earnings under the tax filing threshold for a child or tax dependent. When determining eligibility for Steve and Amy, Amy’s income is not counted.


Example: Hazel applies for MA for self and their adult child, Arthur (35). Hazel will file taxes and will claim Arthur as a dependent. Arthur works part-time and has annual earnings under the tax filing threshold for a child or tax dependent. When determining eligibility for Hazel and Arthur, Arthur’s income is not counted.


The Social Security benefit and Railroad Retirement Tier 1 benefit do not count toward the unearned threshold. See Appendix C for Filing Requirements for Tax Dependents. The individual’s taxable income would be compared to the filing threshold when determining if a child or tax dependent is required to file taxes.  If their taxable income is above the filing threshold, all of their income would be counted including Social Security and Railroad Retirement benefits.


Example: Jesse applies for MA for self and their child, Avery (16). Jesse will file taxes and will claim Avery as a dependent. Avery receives RSDI and works part-time. Avery’s annual earnings from work are above the tax filing threshold for a child or tax dependent. When determining eligibility for both Jesse and Avery, Avery’s RSDI and employment income are counted. 


Example: Reagan applies for MA for self and their adult child, Kennedy (30). Reagan will file taxes and will claim Kennedy as a dependent. Kennedy receives RSDI and works part-time. Kennedy’s annual earnings from work are below the tax filing threshold for a child or tax dependent. When determining eligibility for both Reagan and Kennedy, Kennedy’s RSDI and employment income are not counted. 


Child or Tax Dependent Residing with Non-Parent



Example: Pauline has custody of their grandchild, Olivia (8) and is applying for MA for both self and Olivia. Pauline will claim Olivia as a tax dependent. Olivia receives $775 per month in RSDI (Survivor’s). When determining Olivia’s eligibility, all of Olivia’s income will count in the determination.


Example: George claims their grandparent, Winston (61), as a tax dependent, and is applying for MA for both self and Winston.  Winston receives Railroad Retirement Tier 1 benefits.  When determining Winston’s eligibility, all of Winston’s income will count in the determination.





Example: Pauline has custody of their grandchild, Olivia (8) and is applying for MA for both self and Olivia. Pauline will claim Olivia as a tax dependent. Olivia receives $775 per month in RSDI (Survivor’s). When determining Pauline’s eligibility, none of Olivia’s income will count in Pauline’s determination, but Olivia will be included in the household size.


Example: George claims their grandparent, Winston (61), as a tax dependent, and is applying for MA for both self and Winston.  Winston receives Railroad Retirement Tier 1 benefits.  When determining George’s eligibility, none of Winston’s income will count in the determination, but Winston will be included in the household size.


NOTE: In some situations, an adult can be claimed as a tax dependent.  See Appendix D for Tax Dependent Criteria.


NOTE: The Social Security benefit and Railroad Retirement Tier 1 benefit do not count toward the unearned threshold. See Appendix C for Filing Requirements for Tax Dependents.


312.45 Excluded Income

The CAO must not count income from certain sources when deciding whether an individual qualifies for MAGI-related MA.


The CAO must verify and record the reason for excluding the income. It may be necessary to verify the amount of excluded income.


The CAO must exclude non-taxable income for MAGI-related MA with the exception of RSDI, tax-exempt interest, and foreign earned income. The income that must be excluded for MAGI-related MA includes but is not limited to: 

 42 CFR § 435.603(e)



 42 CFR § 435.603(e)(1)


NOTE: To be considered a gift, a monetary gift must be infrequent and nonrecurring.



A difficulty of care payment is money paid to a non-relative or relative who is under contract with a public or private agency to give care to a person with a physical, emotional, or mental disability in their home. These payments are made to the caregiver with public funds (federal, state, local or a combination of the three) and authorized by a state or local authority.


The following are some of the programs for which an individual may receive a difficulty of care payment:    



NOTE: A Family Living Services payment may come as one payment or as two payments (one for services and one for room and board).


NOTE: Care providers do not have to be related to the are recipient in order for the income exclusion to apply. 


Payments are considered difficulty of care payments if the following conditions are met:


1. Payments are authorized by a state or local authority. 

The CAO must verify the income as a Difficulty of Care payment authorized by a state or local authority.




2. The care provider and the care recipient must be living together.

To meet this criterion, the care recipient and care provider must reside full-time in the same permanent residence.




3. The care provider provides care for no more than 10 qualified individuals under the age of 19, or no more than 5 qualified individuals age 19 and above.

The CAO will review information for other individuals in the household on the application or renewal form. The CAO can accept self-attestation that the care provider provides care for no more than 10 qualified individuals under the age of 19, or no more than 5 qualified individuals age 19 and above.

If the CAO has reason to question these statements, additional documentation may be requested, such as a copy of the care plan or statements from the agency.

The CAO can review the care provider’s income documentation to determine if the income is being taxed.  The IRS excludes difficulty of care payments from an individual’s federally taxable wages. If the income is being taxed, the individual may still be receiving a difficulty of care payment.  If federal taxes are not taken out and the care provider is claiming the income is a difficulty of care payment, the CAO should follow the verification process as outlined above.

 26 U.S.C. § 131(c)




Updated February 19, 2025, Replacing January 13, 2025