360.2 Deductions—TANF/GA-Related

The earned income deductions for TANF-related categories apply to PC/PU individuals and to PD parents or stepparents who live with a child who receives TANF, MA or SSI.      

   55 Pa. Code § 181.311

The earned income deductions for GA-related categories apply to all other PD individuals.      

55 Pa. Code § 181.313

The deductions from unearned income are the same for the TANF/GA-related categories and TANF ineligibles.       

55 Pa. Code § 181.315

360.21 Earned Income Deductions—TANF-Related

Each employed individual in a TANF-related category must receive deductions from gross earned income, in the following order:

1.  Work expenses (see Section 360.211).

2.  Earned income incentive deduction, if the individual is qualified to receive the incentive (see Section 360.212).

3.  Dependent care expenses (see Section 360.213).

360.211 Work expenses—TANF-related

Each employed member of the applicant/recipient group is allowed a deduction of $120 per month from total gross earned income.

360.212 Earned income incentive deduction—TANF-related

The CAO must allow a 50% gross earned income incentive deduction, after the work-expense deduction, for each employed individual who qualifies for the incentive.                     

  55 Pa. Code § 181.311

An employed individual qualifies for the incentive if the individual is any of the following:

The CAO must apply the incentive eligibility test at application, as follows:

1. Figure out the gross earned and unearned income of each employed applicant in the month when he or she applies.

2. Subtract the work expense deduction ($120) and dependent care expenses from the gross earned income.

3. From the gross unearned income, subtract any expenses the applicant must pay to receive the income. (See Section 360.23, Unearned income deductions—TANF/GA-related.)

4. Add the employed applicant's net earned and net unearned income.

5. Add the applicant's total net income to the countable net income of the other applicant/recipient group members.

NOTE:   If another applicant/recipient group member is employed, allow the $120 work expense deduction, expenses and the earned income incentive deduction if that individual is qualified to get the incentive.

6. Compare the total net income of the applicant group with the Standard of Need in Appendix A. Include the unborn child of a pregnant woman who is included in the applicant/recipient group.

360.213 Dependent Care Expenses—TANF-Related

An employed individual can receive a deduction for the cost of care for a dependent child or a sick or incapacitated individual if both of the following conditions are met:             

   55 Pa. Code § 181.311(3)


    NOTE:  The child or incapacitated individual does not have to be a recipient.


The amount of the deduction must be the actual cost to the individual, up to the following limits:

If the CAO sees that a part of the dependent care expenses is not work related, it must figure out what part of the expenses is for work related hours.

Example: Ms. R. pays $150 a week for childcare while she works and goes to college part-time. The babysitter cares for her child for nine hours a day, five days a week, while she works. She also cares for the child a total of five hours a week while Ms. R. goes to college. Childcare is provided for a total of 50 hours a week. Childcare is provided for 45 hours while Ms. R. works. The total hourly rate is found to be $3 an hour ($150 ÷ 50 hours). The total allowable childcare expense is $135 a week (45 hours × $3 an hour).

360.22 Earned Income Deductions—GA-Related

Each employed individual in a PD category receives deductions from earned income in the following order:                                                                                                                          

   55 Pa. Code § 181.313

 1.  Work and individual expenses (see Section 360.221).

 2.   Earned income incentive deduction, if the individual is qualified to get the incentive (see Section 360.223 and Section 360.224).

360.221 Work and Personal Expenses—GA-Related

The CAO deducts actual work and individual expenses up to $25 per month. Work and individual expenses include, but are not limited to, expenses related to employment such as the following:       

 55 Pa. Code §  181.313 (1)

360.222 Earned Income Incentive Deduction—GA-Related

The CAO allows for an earned income incentive deduction of $20 plus 50% of the next $60 of earned income for each employed individual who qualifies for the incentive. The incentive is applied to the income that is still left after the work and individual expense deductions.    

  55 Pa. Code § 181.313(2)  

The incentive can be used for up to four months in a row. An individual who has received the deduction for four calendar months in a row cannot get it again until 12 months in a row have passed since the individual last received NMP in the PD category.

NOTE:  The 12-month period begins with the month following the month NMP is stopped. Getting an earned income incentive in another program or category during the 12-month period must not affect the individual’s eligibility for the GA-related incentive for NMP.

For information about breaks in the four months in a row, see Section 360.224.

The CAO must keep track of when the individual receives the earned income incentive in the case record.

The CAO must set an alert to look at MA without the earned income incentive at the end of the fourth month.

Before applying the earned income incentive deduction, the CAO must consider all of the following:

If the individual’s net income is zero after the work and individual  expenses are deducted, the CAO must treat this as a break and must not use the earned income incentive deduction or count this as a month in which the incentive was used.

If any income is left after the work and individual expenses are deducted, the CAO must apply the incentive. The incentive must be applied even if the applicant/recipient group is eligible without it. The individual is not given the choice of using incentive.

Exception: For retroactive NMP, if the individual qualifies to receive the incentive, he or she can choose whether to use the incentive. If the incentive is applied to a retroactive month, that month must be counted as one of the four months in a row. The CAO must explain the choices to the individual.

360.223 Eligibility for the Earned Income Incentive—GA-Related

The earned income incentive deduction is allowed only if the employed individual:


NOTE:  Receiving a work incentive deduction in another category of MA does not disqualify the employed applicant/recipient from receiving the work incentive deduction for NMP in the PD category.


The employed individual qualifies for the incentive if he or she is:


The CAO must apply the incentive eligibility test at application, as follows:

1.   Figure out the gross earned and unearned income of each employed applicant in the month when he or she applies.

2.   Subtract the work expense deduction and dependent care expenses from the gross earned income.

3.   From the gross unearned income, subtract any expenses the applicant must pay to receive the income. (See Section 360.23, Unearned Income Deductions—TANF/GA-Related.)

4.   Add the employed applicant's net earned and net unearned income.

5.   Add the applicant's total net income to the countable net income of the other applicant/recipient group members.

NOTE:  If another applicant/recipient group member is employed, allow the work expense deduction, and the earned income incentive deduction if that individual is qualified to get the incentive.

       6.  Compare the total net income of the applicant group with the Standard of Need in Appendix A.  Include the unborn child of a pregnant woman who is included in the applicant/recipient group.

360.224 Breaks in the Four Months in a Row of the Earned Income Incentive—GA-Related

The CAO must use the following rules when there is a break in the individual’s getting four months in a row of the incentive deduction of $20 plus 50% of the next $60 of earned income:

Example: An individual applies for NMP on December 15. The retroactive period is September 1 through December 14. The individual uses the earned income incentive for PD eligibility for October.

If continuing PD is approved as of December 15, the CAO counts the incentive used in October. If continuing PD is approved as of January 1, the CAO counts the incentive used in October, because a full calendar month has not passed after the retroactive period.

If continuing PD is not approved and the individual applies on or after February 1, that is a break for the individual receiving the incentive. The individual starts a new four-month period.

NOTE:   If retroactive MA for October is approved in an MNO category, that month of incentive does not affect the receipt of the incentive for NMP.

360.23 Unearned Income Deductions—TANF/GA-Related

Each individual with countable unearned income can deduct expenses needed to be eligible for or to receive the income. These expenses include, but are not limited to, the following:   

   55 Pa. Code § 181.315(a)

 55 Pa. Code § 181.315(b)  

The CAO must deduct replacement costs as follows:

Expenses directly related to the type of income, such as charges for burial from an insurance benefit or medical expenses from an individual injury award.

Expenses related to receiving rental income (see Section 360.4, Deductions from Unearned Rental Income).    

  55 Pa. Code § 181.317  

The amount of delayed or retroactive benefits that must be paid to DHS under a reimbursement agreement.        

 55 Pa. Code § 181.316

Updated January 8, 2025, Replacing January 24, 2024