523.5 Permanent Move to Another County in Pennsylvania (Intercounty Transfer)

The CAO will transfer the case record when a household reports a permanent move to another county within Pennsylvania   

The household’s certification and benefits will continue without interruption. A new application is not required in the gaining county.

The losing CAO will send a Confirming Notice.

An identical SNAP budget will be opened in the gaining county.

Exceptions: The losing CAO will not transfer cases when:

NOTE:  The CAO will resolve the issues related to the suspension before transferring the case.

NOTE:  The CAO will not transfer the case until Extended SNAP ends, a review is completed, and the household is found eligible to continue to receive SNAP benefits.

523.51 The Losing CAO

The losing CAO will take the following actions to process a SNAP intercounty transfer:

NOTE:  The CAO must inquire about shelter or utility obligations and request verification if any are questionable. If the household does not provide the requested verification, the CAO will follow the procedures in Section 570.4.

523.52 The Gaining CAO

The gaining CAO will take the following actions when notified of the intercounty transfer:

NOTE:  Expedited service procedures do not apply in an intercounty transfer, as there is no break in the household’s receipt of benefits.

NOTE:  Any appeal will be heard in the new county of residence.

523.53 Intercounty Move and Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)

The move to a new county does not affect the recipient’s access to any benefits remaining in the EBT account.  The primary account number (PAN), which is based on the recipient’s eCIS individual number, does not change because of an intercounty move as benefits are posted to the existing account.

The recipient can continue to use the PA EBT ACCESS card that the original CAO issued. The new CAO will issue replacement cards as needed.

7 CFR § 273.3

Reissued, March 1, 2012 replacing April 27, 2009