The Office of Inspector General (OIG) Office of Welfare Fraud Investigation and Recovery Management will update the Disqualified Recipient System (DQRS) for a person who is to be disqualified for an intentional program violation. The terms of the disqualification must be entered by the CAO in the automated system.
The CAO must not count the following disqualified persons when determining the household size, resource limit, benefit level, or the gross and net income eligibility limits:
A fleeing felon;
A probation or parole violator being actively sought (see 503 Appendix B for more details);
An intentional program violator; or
A work requirement non-compliant
The CAO must include all countable resources of the disqualified person when determining household eligibility.
The CAO must include all countable income of the disqualified persons when determining household eligibility.
The CAO must include allowable deductions (standard, earned income, medical, dependent care, child support, and excess shelter) for all household members, including the ineligible member, in the computation for the household.
If the person is disqualified during the certification period, the CAO will:
Remove the ineligible person and reduce or terminate benefits for the remaining household members.
Make sure benefits are not increased because of the ineligible person’s exclusion.
Issue an Advance Notice of Adverse Action to the household.
For households that continue to receive benefits, set a control to add the persons for the month following the final month of the disqualification period.
The intentional program violation household may request a fair hearing unless it has already had a hearing on the benefit amount as part of the Administrative Disqualification process. See Supplemental Handbook, Chapter 910.7 Disqualification for Intentional Program Violations.
If the household is receiving benefits when the disqualification period ends, the disqualified member becomes eligible and must be added to the household the month after the final month of ineligibility.
Since the end of the disqualification period is known to the CAO, the household is not required to report. The member and all of the member’s income and resources are added prospectively. See Chapter 567.
Updated August 16, 2023, replacing March 1, 2012