# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$198 |
$750 |
$401 |
$70 |
$180 |
Actual cost |
$672 |
$34 |
4 |
$208 |
5 |
$244 |
6+ |
$279 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Resource limit for households with a disqualified or sanctioned member with income limit of 130% FPIG |
$2,750 |
# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$193 |
$679 |
$358 |
$66 |
$167 |
Actual cost |
$624 |
$34 |
4 |
$193 |
5 |
$225 |
6+ |
$258 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Resource limit for households with a disqualified or sanctioned member with income limit of 130% FPIG |
$2,750 |
# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$177 |
$612 |
$317 |
$60 |
$160 |
Actual cost |
$597 |
$34 |
4 |
$184 |
5 |
$215 |
6+ |
$246 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Resource limit for households with a disqualified or sanctioned member with income limit of 130% FPIG |
$2,500 |
# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$167 |
$594 |
$308 |
$59 |
$157 |
Actual cost |
$586 |
$33 |
4 |
$181 |
5 |
$212 |
6+ |
$243 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Resource limit for households with a disqualified or sanctioned member with income limit of 130% FPIG |
$2250 |
# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$167 |
$594 |
$308 |
$58 |
$152 |
Actual cost |
$569 |
$33 |
4 |
$178 |
5 |
$209 |
6+ |
$240 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Resource limit for households with a disqualified or sanctioned member with income limit of 130% FPIG |
$2250 |
# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$164 |
$588 |
$308 |
$57 |
$143 |
Actual cost |
$552 |
$33 |
4 |
$174 |
5 |
$204 |
6+ |
$234 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Resource limit for households with a disqualified or sanctioned member with income limit of 130% FPIG |
$2250 |
# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$160 |
$580 |
$299 |
$56 |
$143 |
Actual cost |
$535 |
$33 |
4 |
$170 |
5 |
$199 |
6+ |
$228 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Resource limit for households with a disqualified or sanctioned member with income limit of 130% FPIG |
$2250 |
# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$157 |
$570 |
$296 |
$55 |
$143 |
Actual cost |
$517 |
$33 |
4 |
$168 |
5 |
$197 |
6+ |
$226 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Resource limit for households with a disqualified or sanctioned member with income limit of 130% FPIG |
$2250 |
# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$155 |
$570 |
$296 |
$55 |
$143 |
Actual cost |
$504 |
$33 |
4 |
$168 |
5 |
$197 |
6+ |
$226 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Resource limit for households with a disqualified or sanctioned member with income limit of 130% FPIG |
$2250 |
# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$155 |
$557 |
$289 |
$55 |
$143 |
Actual cost |
$490 |
$33 |
4 |
$165 |
5 |
$193 |
6+ |
$221 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Resource limit for households with a disqualified or sanctioned member with income limit of 130% FPIG |
$2250 |
Effective October 1, 2013
# in H.H. |
Standard |
Utility Allowance (SUA) |
Dependent Care |
Excess Shelter |
Phone |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
Homeless |
1–3 |
$152 |
$536 |
$278 |
$55 |
$143 |
Actual cost |
$478 |
$33 |
4 |
$163 |
5 |
$191 |
6+ |
$219 |
Earned Income |
20% |
Excess Medical |
>$35 |
Child Support |
The amount of the deduction is the amount paid using the 4.0 conversion, not to exceed the amount of the court ordered support. However, if the payment includes arrearages, the deduction is the current month’s payment, not to exceed the monthly obligation, plus the amount paid toward the arrearage. |
Standard Deduction |
Utility Allowance |
Heating |
Non-heating |
Limited |
10/12 (1–3 persons) | $147 |
$536 |
$278 |
$54 |
10/12 (4 persons) | $155 |
10/12 (5 persons) | $181 |
10/12 (6+ persons) | $208 |
10/10 (1–3 persons) | $142 |
$524 |
$276 |
$52 |
10/10 (4 persons) | $153 |
10/10 (5 persons) | $179 |
10/10 (6+ persons) | $205 |
10/09 (1–3 persons) | $141 |
$524 |
$276 |
$52 |
10/09 (4 persons) | $153 |
10/09 (5 persons) | $179 |
10/09 (6+ persons) | $205 |
10/08 (1-3 persons) | $144 |
$491 |
$258 |
$51 |
10/08 (4 persons) | $147 |
10/08 (5 persons) | $172 |
10/08 (6+ persons) | $197 |
10/07 (1-3 persons) | $134 |
$466 |
$248 |
$49 |
10/07 (4 persons) | $167 |
10/07 (5 persons) | $172 |
10/07 (6+ persons) | $191 |
10/06 (1–3 persons) | $134 |
$452 |
$242 |
$48 |
10/06 (4 persons) | $139 |
10/06 (5 persons) | $162 |
10/06 (6+ persons) | $186 |
10/05 (1–4 persons) | $134 |
$397 |
$211 |
$47 |
10/05 (5 persons) | $157 |
10/05 (6+ persons) | $179 |
10/04 (1–4 persons) | $134 |
$374 |
$201 |
$46 |
10/04 (5 persons) | $153 |
10/05 (6+ persons) | $175 |
Earned Income |
Telephone Standard Allowance |
10/12 |
$33 |
10/08 |
$32 |
10/07 |
$31 |
10/06 |
$30 |
10/04 |
$29 |
10/03 |
$28 |
10/01 |
$26 |
10/00 |
$24 |
10/94 |
$23 |
10/90 |
$20 |
5/86 |
20% |
10/89 |
$19 |
11/81 |
18% |
10/85 |
$11 |
Excess Medical Deduction |
The cost of any allowable expenses over $35 monthly. |
Homeless Shelter Deduction |
10/95 |
$143 |
10/94 |
$139 |
10/93 |
$137 |
10/92 |
$132 |
2/92 |
$128 |
Shelter Deduction |
Dependent Care Deduction |
10/08 |
$446 |
10/08—Cap removed from dependent care deduction allows what the household actually pays. |
10/07 |
$431 |
10/06 |
$417 |
10/05 |
$400 |
10/04 |
$388 |
10/03 |
$378 |
10/02 |
$367 |
10/01 |
$354 |
10/00 |
$300 |
10/98 |
$275 |
10/97 |
$250 |
10/95 |
$247 |
10/94 |
$231 |
9/94 |
$200 per dependent under age two |
$175 per dependent age two and over |
10/93 |
$207 |
10/92 |
$200 |
10/91 |
$194 |
10/90 |
$186 |
10/89 |
$177 |
10/89 |
$160 per dependent |
10/88 |
$170 |
10/88 |
$160 per dependent |
10/87 |
$164* |
$152** |
10/86 |
$149 |
12/86 |
$160 per household |
5/86 |
$147 |
10/86 |
$160 per household ($149 per elderly/disabled household) |
10/85 |
$139 |
10/85 |
$139 |
10/84 |
$134 |
10/84 |
$134 |
*For any household recertified
after 10/87 |
Updated September 19, 2023, replacing April 21, 2023