When a household reports that it has added a new member, the CAO must treat the new member as if he or she were an applicant but must not require a new Application for Benefits (PA 600).
7 CFR § 273.21(f)(1)
The CAO must first determine whether the new member is receiving benefits in another household. A person may not receive benefits in more than one household at the same time. The new member may not be added to the household until he or she is removed from the other household.
However, a resident of a certified shelter for battered women and children may receive more than one issuance in a month if previous SNAP benefits included the alleged abuser as a household member. These residents may receive an additional benefit as a separate household. (See Chapter 511.)
7 CFR § 273.11(g)(2)
When adding a new member to a household, the CAO must prospectively determine eligibility and the benefit amount for all household members, including the new member, for the month following the month of the change.
7 CFR § 273.10(a)(4)
If adding the new member leads to a benefit decrease or termination, the CAO must:
7 CFR § 273.12(c)(2)
Send an Advance Notice of Adverse Action explaining the action to be taken; and
Decrease or terminate benefits for the month following the expiration of the Advance Notice of Adverse Action.
If the addition of the member results in a benefit increase, the CAO must:
7 CFR § 273.12(c)(1)(ii)
Send a Confirming Notice explaining the change; and
Increase the benefit for the month following the month of the change. If the deadline cannot be met, the CAO must authorize a supplemental benefit using reason code 157.
Example: Mrs. Smith and her three children receive only SNAP benefits. Mrs. Smith’s 130% federal poverty income guidelines (FPIG) reporting requirement is $1,961. Mr. Smith, who has income, moves back into the household on September 1. Mrs. Smith counts all of the household’s gross monthly income, including her husband’s, and compares that amount with $1,961. On October 6, Mrs. Smith reports and verifies that her husband returned to the household and that the household income totals $1,975 for September. The caseworker determines that Mr. Smith is a mandatory household member. Mr. Smith and his income are added to the SNAP benefits. The new 130% FPIG limit is $2,295.
Although third-party verification is not required under Chapter 578 to add a person to a household, it is acceptable proof even if the household has not reported the change.
If the CAO receives dated third-party verification, such as an MA 112 or a notice from a Children and Youth Agency of a change, it must figure out when to increase the benefit as follows:
If the change occurs and is reported in the same month (even outside the timeliness requirements of Chapter 570 and Chapter 571), the increase is effective for the month following the month the change occurred.
Example: The hospital sends an MA 112 dated March 24 to the CAO verifying that a child was born on March 10. The CAO receives the MA 112 on March 28. The family is eligible for an increased benefit on April 1.
If the change takes place in one month but is reported in the next month within the timeliness requirements of Chapter 570 and Chapter 571, the increase is effective the month following the month the change takes place.
The hospital sends an MA 112 dated March 28 to the CAO verifying the child was born on March 27. The CAO receives the MA 112 on April 4. Since the change was reported within ten days, the family is eligible for an increased benefit on April 1.
The mother calls the CAO on April 1 to report that her baby was born on March 27. On April 10, the CAO receives the MA 112, dated April 6, verifying the child was born on March 27. Even though proof of birth was not received within 10 days of the change, the mother did report in time. The family is eligible for an increased benefit on April 1.
If the change occurs in one month but is reported the next month outside the timeliness requirements of Chapter 570 and Chapter 571, the increase is effective the month following the month the household reported the change.
Example: On April 11, the CAO receives a notice from a Children and Youth Agency that a child returned home on March 27. Since the change was not reported within 10 days, the family is not eligible for an increased benefit until May 1.
Reissued March 1, 2012, replacing May 3, 2007