915.7 Payment on a Reimbursement Claim

The CAO may accept a payment offered by the individual. If a cash payment is made in person at the CAO, the CAO will instruct the individual to purchase a money order or make payment by check. The CAO should also advise the individual that all future payments must be in the form of a check or money order. If an individual mails a cash payment to the CAO, the CAO will convert the cash payment to a money order. The CAO will issue a receipt (PA/CS 175-M) and process the payment. See Appendix C, Section II, “Payments on a Claim.”

55 Pa. Code § 257.24(i)(2)

If the individual does not know the amount of the claim and is making a payment as a result of the receipt of personal property, the CAO will contact the OSIG. See Section 915.62, “Exchange of Information by Telephone.”

NOTE:  The CAO should not compute the claim.

If an individual offers payment, the CAO will:

1. Inform the individual that:

2. Prepare and process a Receipt of Payment (PA/CS 175-M). See Appendix C, “Receipting and Processing Payments/Checks for Redeposit – PA/CS 175-M.”

3. Complete the OIG 173  and submit it to the OSIG for the initial payment if the CAO did not send an OIG 173  or contact the OSIG by telephone about the claim. Subsequent OIG 173  referrals are not needed if an individual makes additional payments on the claim.

Exception: An OIG 173  is not required if the payment is for voluntary or court-ordered support.


915.71 Effect on Time-Limited Assistance

Assistance reimbursed will not be considered “assistance received” in calculating the lifetime limit.


Updated January 3, 2024; replacing March 14, 2019