311.1 General Policy

SelectPlan for Women provides family planning services to women age 18 through 44 years old. SelectPlan will cover family planning services, tests and supplies related to birth control, pregnancy prevention and preventive services.              PA Family Planning Waiver 12/29/05

An woman or a Family Planning Community Partner (FPCP) applying for a woman can submit an application for SelectPlan. The application can be submitted through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Access to Social Services (COMPASS) or a PA 600 SP can be submitted by mail or in person.

311.11 Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for SelectPlan the woman must:      PA Family Planning Waiver 12/29/05

Creditable Health Insurance:

The County Assistance Office (CAO) or Central Unit (CU) will review the SelectPlan application for creditable health insurance to see if:

            NOTE:  Countable household income includes income of the applicant, spouse, and dependent child.

            NOTE:  A college student who is under 21, attends college in Pennsylvania and whose parents reside in another state      may not claim Pennsylvania residency unless she is emancipated and a resident of Pennsylvania.

The CAO or CU will determine eligibility for SelectPlan based upon the requirements in this chapter and the following chapters:

Note:  Refer to Section 311.81 for policy regarding verification requirements for SelectPlan renewals.

311.12 Benefits

SelectPlan provides the following benefits:          PA Family Planning Waiver 12/29/05

A SelectPlan individual is covered under Health Care Benefits Package (HCBP) #15. See Chapter 338, Appendix A.

NOTE:  Abortion is not considered a family planning service and is not covered by SelectPlan.

A woman authorized for SelectPlan will receive a Pennsylvania ACCESS card. The woman shall present the ACCESS card to an enrolled MA provider when a family planning service is provided. SelectPlan is a Fee-for-Service program. (See Section 309.4 MA Service Delivery).

NOTE: A woman receiving SelectPlan is not enrolled in the mandatory HealthChoices program or Managed Care Health    Plans.

311.13 Confidentiality

Confidentiality is important when processing and maintaining a SelectPlan application and case record. Confidentiality will not be put at risk if a request has been made by an individual.

The CAO or CU identifies an individual’s request for confidentiality on an application as follows:

NOTE:  An alternate mailing address must be provided if the applicant responded “YES” to this question on the COMPASS application. On the PA 600SP a mailing address different than the home address would be listed indicating a need for confidentiality.

Once it is decided that confidentiality is required the CAO or CU must:

311.131 Confidentiality and Third Party Liability (TPL)

All SelectPlan women are reviewed for possible third party insurance coverage. If it is found that a woman has third party insurance coverage or the coverage that had been reported as not being creditable coverage was found to be creditable coverage, Third Party Libility (TPL) will notify the CAO or CU with this information. The CAO or CU will review the application that was submitted by the woman to determine if the woman had requested confidentiality when receiving family planning services.


Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing September 29, 2010