A woman or a FPCP applying for a woman will submit an application for SelectPlan. The application will be submitted through COMPASS or a PA 600 SP will be submitted by mail or in person. Pa Family Planning Waiver of 12/29/05
NOTE: Any form is a good form,” applies to the SelectPlan applicant. If an application form other than the PA 600SP is submitted and the applicant indicates in writing on the application, or states she wants to apply for SelectPlan, the application form is acceptable.
The application is routed to the CAO or CU depending on the following circumstance:
It is routed to the CU if the individual is only applying for SelectPlan.
It is routed to the CAO when an individual or household is applying for SelectPlan and other public assistance benefits.
It is routed to CAO when the applicant is already a member of an active case record.
The CAO or CU will authorize SelectPlan as follows:
1. Review the application and determine whether the applicant is:
Applying for SelectPlan only.
Applying for other benefits and SelectPlan.
Currently receiving benefits.
A member of a household receiving benefits in an existing record.
2. Transfer the application to the CU if the individual is applying for SelectPlan.
See Appendix C for CU information.
NOTE: When an individual is only applying for SelectPlan and is an “N” member to someone other than an immediate family member (spouse or child) in an active MA or Cash budget, the SelectPlan application and the new record will remain at the CU.
Example: A woman is applying for SelectPlan and has submitted an application to the CU. The woman has custody of her niece who receives Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (RSDI) and the child is open for MA (PS-16) in the county of residence. The woman is an “N” member in the record. The CU is to process the application and if the woman is eligible for SelectPlan, the new record will remain at the CU.
3. Determine if the SelectPlan individual has requested confidentiality. See Section 311.13.
Review the application for:
Alternative mailing address.
The answer to the health insurance question about “physical or emotional harm.
Comments in the “additional information” section of the application.
If confidentiality is needed the CAO or CU is to:
Open a separate case record for SelectPlan benefits if the woman is an active member in another case record for other benefits.
Enter an alternate address if one was provided.
Narrate that confidentiality was requested.
4. Determine if the applicant provided all required verification and request additional information if the information needed to process the SelectPlan application was not provided.
NOTE: If an applicant has requested confidentiality and she is unable to obtain proof of her spouse’s income the case should be authorized based on her statement if otherwise eligible. No further proof of the spouse’s income is required. When entering the spouse’s income in the verification code field on the income screens the CAO or CU is to enter “W.”
Example: Mrs. Jones has applied for SelectPlan for Women. She resides with her spouse and is requesting confidentiality on her application. Mrs. Jones is unable to provide proof of her spouse’s income. She states on the application that her spouse earns $450/week. There is no other source of household income. The CAO authorizes eligibility based on Mrs. Jones’ statement. The weekly income of $450 is entered on the CIS income screen and the CAO enters “W” in the verification code field.
5. Authorize SelectPlan and send a Notice to Applicant advising the individual of the eligibility determination. If the application was submitted by an FPCP a Notice to Applicant is also sent to the provider.
A complete renewal for SelectPlan is required every 12 months. The SelectPlan PSF-00 category is part of the auto renewal process and a PA 600 SPR will be mailed to the SelectPlan individual. At renewal the SelectPlan individual is to provide verification of any changes to income and to report any changes that may affect eligibility such as pregnancy, sterilization, health insurance and household information. Pa Family Planning Waiver of 12/29/05
Since an interview is not required for SelectPlan, the complete renewal can be completed by mail, fax or on COMPASS. The caseworker can contact the SelectPlan individual if information needs to be clarified.
In cases where there are multiple budgets open with a SelectPlan budget, the CAO will take the necessary steps to align all budget renewal dates to the same date. The SelectPlan renewal is processed at the same time the renewal for the other budget is due.
Important: The CAO or CU will review for continuing or newly requested confidentiality.
If the Select Plan renewal is not completed by the due date, the budget will be closed and the appropriate notice sent.
Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing June 4, 2010