The effective date of eligibility for the SelectPlan for Women Program begins: Pa Family Planning Waiver of 12/29/05
The first day of the calendar month in which the application was submitted through COMPASS.
The first day of the calendar month in which the PA 600SP is signed if submitted by a FPCP.
The first day of the calendar month in which the PA 600SP is received by the CAO if submitted by a woman and not through a FPCP.
The first day of the calendar month following the 60-day postpartum period for women ages 18 though 44.
An application is not required at the end of the 60-day postpartum period to determine eligibility for SelectPlan. Eligibility will be based on the information in the record. The CAO must enter “Y” in the “Explore for MA & PSF” field on the CARMRQ screen in the Client Information System (CIS) (Individual Program Request screen in eCIS) and process the case.
Important: A woman who is determined eligible and authorized for SelectPlan at the end of her postpartum coverage is automatically entitled to 12 months of continued SelectPlan eligibility. The renewal due date is the last day of the 12th month from the date that the woman was opened for SelectPlan.
In cases where there are multiple budgets open with a SelectPlan budget, the CAO will take the necessary steps to align all budget renewal dates to the same date. The SelectPlan renewal is processed at the same time the other renewals are due.
Example: A pregnant woman had her baby on 1/10/11 and her 60-day postpartum MA PS-16 eligibility ended on 3/31/11. She returns to her job following her postpartum absence. Her gross earned income that was reported and verified at her last application five months ago is used in the SelectPlan eligibility determination. Her income is calculated using her gross earned income of $1,600/month and subtracting the $120 deduction. She is eligible for the 50 % earned income disregard since she was open for Healthy Beginnings in one of the four calendar months prior to the month of application. She receives the 50% earned income disregard and her income is calculated as follows: $1,600 - $120 = $1,480, 50 % of $1,480 = $740, $1,480 – 740 = $740. Her income is under the 185% of the FPIG for a household of two, she is eligible for SelectPlan for Women. The CAO authorizes PSF-00 effective 4/1/11 and the SelectPlan renewal is set for 3/31/12.
Eligibility ends for SelectPlan for Women when:
A change in income or other circumstance occurs and the recipient is no longer eligible. An Advance Notice is issued notifying the SelectPlan recipient that her benefits will be discontinued.
The SelectPlan renewal is not completed by the due date. (See Section 311.81 Select Plan Renewals)
NOTE: There is no here is NO RETROACTIVE coverage for the SelectPlan for Women Program.
Updated February 14, 2012, Replacing August 4, 2010