503.5 Rights and Responsibilities

At the application interview, the CAO must explain the applicant’s SNAP rights and responsibilities in a language the applicant understands.

The Application for Benefits (PA 600) and the renewal form also give written explanations of rights and responsibilities.

Written notices are available in English or Spanish. Translation information is on the envelopes.

503.51 Household Rights

Household members have the right to:  

503.52 Household Responsibilities

Household members must:

503.53 Addendum at Application for Benefits (AAB)

The CAO must get the SNAP household signature on the Addendum at Application for Benefits (AAB) at application and renewal if the language is not included in the application.

The household is not eligible if they do not sign the AAB. The AAB tells the household that they are waiving a deduction if they do not report and, if asked to, prove expenses listed on the application or renewal form.

503.54 CAO Responsibilities

The CAO must:   7 CFR § 273.2(c)(3)

503.55 Penalties

PFS17885503   Fleeing Felons and SNAP     March 1, 2016

The CAO must tell the applicant the following in a language the applicant understands:    7 CFR § 273.16(b)

NOTE:  See Section 555.2 for deeming resources and income of a fleeing felon in a SNAP household.

Reissued March 2, 2016, Replacing March 1, 2012