Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) policy applies to individuals who receive SNAP, GA/SNAP, SSI/SNAP and other MA categories/SNAP. Individuals who receive TANF/SNAP must follow the E&T policy for TANF recipients noted in Cash Assistance Handbook (CAH) Chapter 135, Employment & Training Requirements.
Paricipation in E&T activities is voluntary for individuals receiving SNAP benefits. An individual may volunteer to participate in any of the 10 program activities available in the SNAP E&T program including a direct referral to CareerLink for an array of services such as job search, job placement, and vocational educational training. See Appendix A, SNAP Employment and Training Activities.
7 CFR § 273.7(a)
Self-Initiated Second Training
The CAO will not approve a second training for individuals receiving TANF or SNAP only benefits who:
55 PA Code §§ 165.31 (d) (1-6)
Want to pursue an occupation not listed on the Labor and Industry’s High Priority Occupations List, OR
Have completed all course work associated with a particular occupational skills program; AND
Have received all required certificates and/or licenses necessary to become employed in that field; AND
Jobs are available in the geographic region of residence for the profession in which they received the training or certificate
Exceptions to this requirement can be granted when:
It is demonstrated that the individual is unable to become employed in that occupation due to changes in physical/mental status.
An individual has a conviction record that prohibits employment in that field.
Changes in the labor market make it unlikely that employment can be found in that occupation. Before this exception can be granted, permission must be obtained from the Bureau of Employment and Training Programs. (717-787-1302)
Excluded from this policy are individuals who receive certification of a skill through a short-term skills credentialing program, such as the Work Certified Program or Worldwide Interactive Network (WIN) for WorkKeys, that is closely linked to the job search training activity.
To ensure compliance with Federal reporting requirements each individual receiving SNAP benefits must be identified with an appropriate Employment and Training Program (ETP) Status Code in the Client Information System (CIS). See section 535.3, ETP Participation Status Codes.
Enter in CIS the ETP Status Code 30, for all individuals who do not meet an exemption regardless of participation status
Enter in CIS the ETP Status Code 40, for all individuals who meet an exemption and volunteer. See section 535.32, Individuals Who Meet An Exemption for a list of exemptions and the corresponding codes.
NOTE: Individuals receiving expedited SNAP benefits are not eligible to participate in E&T activities until eligibility for ongoing SNAP benefits is determined.
SNAP participants must sign an Employment Development Plan, EDP, PA 1531 before special allowances for supportive services are authorized. Once the SNAP participant has signed the EDP the CAO may authorize SPALs needed and required for participation in an approved activity. See section 535.4, Special Allowances for Supportive Services.
When an individual volunteers for one of the E&T activities the CAO together with the individual will complete the following forms:
Employment Development Plan, EDP PA 1531. Have the individual sign the form and provide a copy to the E&T contractor.
NOTE: CAOs are not required to complete the PA772, PA 1530 or PA1531 if the individual does not volunteer for one of the SNAP E&T activities.
Some individuals who volunteer to participate in E&T activities will be referred to a contracted program. Participation is not based on TANF family composition rules that require a specific number of participation hours. An individual who volunteers to participate in a contracted E & T program must agree to participate for the hours required by the program. The EDP should state that the individual must “participate for the hours of the program.”
An individual who is not in compliance with contractor program requirements will be terminated from the program. Since participation in SNAP E&T is voluntary, volunteers are not subject to sanction for non-compliance with contractor program requirements. See sections 535.5 and 535.6
Reissued December 22, 2010, replacing April 19, 2001