609.1 General Policy

PLR 17355-605

DHS, through the CAOs or Crisis contractors, is responsible for determining eligibility and verifying the type of crisis the applicant is experiencing. If vendors ask for verification of a LIHEAP Cash benefit or an authorization of a LIHEAP Crisis benefit, refer them to the LIHEAP Vendor Unit, 1-877-537-9517, or e-mail RA-LIHEAPVendors@state.pa.us.


Applicants may request Crisis benefits in person at the local CAO, by fax or by phone.

The CAO must, depending on the type of crisis, either process the application in-house or refer the application to the local DCED weatherization office for processing.

To qualify for help, a household must meet all basic LIHEAP eligibility criteria listed in Chapter 605, LIHEAP Eligibility Criteria. It also must be without heat or be in immediate danger of being without heat because of a weather-related or fuel-supply emergency.

LIHEAP State Plan § 601.32

NOTE: A water shutoff is not considered a fuel-supply emergency, and the household is not eligible for Crisis.

A Crisis benefit generally is paid directly to the vendor. If DHS determines that payment cannot be made to the vendor, then the payment is made to the applicant as reimbursement after verification of the purchase has been provided.

    55 Pa. Code § 601.64; LIHEAP State Plan § 601.64

NOTE: In order to ensure that the crisis is resolved, the client must first pay the vendor and provide verification before a Crisis direct payment can be approved.

The CAO must refer households who are ineligible for Crisis benefits to community organizations or other programs that may be able to help.

NOTE: Households may apply for and, if eligible, receive regular Crisis benefits regardless of whether they apply for or receive LIHEAP Cash.

Reissued November 16,2016, replacing October 13, 2016