122.4 Sponsored Noncitizens

As a condition of entry, a sponsor must sign an affidavit of support on behalf of a noncitizen. See item #1 in Appendix A.     55 Pa. Code § 183.36(a)

For noncitizens whose sponsors signed an affidavit of support (Form I-134) before December 19, 1997, deeming ends after three years from the noncitizen's date of entry to the U.S. for permanent residency. These sponsors were not required to sign a new affidavit.

New affidavits of support (Form I-864) were required of new sponsors and for adjustments of sponsor or status made on or after December 19, 1997. Deeming applies to a sponsored noncitizen until he or she has worked 40 qualifying quarters of coverage or gets U.S. citizenship, whichever is earlier.

The following are exceptions to the deeming requirement:

122.41 Indigence

The CAO determines indigence. A noncitizen is considered indigent if he or she would be unable to get food and shelter without assistance. This takes into account the noncitizen's household income plus any cash, food, housing, or other assistance provided by other persons, including sponsors.

To be determined indigent, the sponsored noncitizen's household income plus the cash contributions of the sponsors and other persons plus the value of in-kind assistance must not exceed 130% of the poverty income guideline for the noncitizen’s household size.

The CAO must verify the amount of income and other assistance provided in the month of application. If the noncitizen is found indigent, the only amount the CAO must deem to him or her is the amount actually provided beginning on the date of the determination and ending 12 months after that date. Each determination is renewable for additional 12-month periods. The period in which a noncitizen receives benefits is not credited toward his or her 40 qualifying quarters.       8 USC § 1183a

122.42 Domestic violence

A sponsored noncitizen is exempt from deeming requirements for a period of one year if the noncitizen, his or her child, or his or her parent has been a victim of domestic violence in the United States by a spouse, parent, or member of the spouse’s or parent’s family living in the same household as the noncitizen.     55 Pa. Code § 177.11(h)


After the one year period, a battered noncitizen spouse, noncitizen parent of a battered child, or child of a battered noncitizen continues to be exempt from the deeming requirements with regard to the batterer only. The deeming exemption applies to a noncitizen for 12 more months after the CAO determines that the battering is substantially connected to the need for benefits and the victim does not live with the batterer.         8 USC § 1631(f)

NOTE:  The CAO must accept the Domestic Violence Verification Form (PA1747) as temporary verification of eligibility for an exception based on extreme cruelty.

To consider the sponsor's income and resources, the sponsored noncitizen must give the CAO copies of the Affidavit of Support Form I-134 or Form I-864 and their respective attachments. Form I-134 was issued for sponsored noncitizens before December 19, 1997. Form I-864 has been issued since December 19, 1997.      8 USC § 213(a)

Form I-134 includes the following:

All sponsored noncitizens must submit the following items with the completed and signed Affidavit of Support Form I-864:

Some sponsored noncitizens must submit the following items with the Form I-864:

If the income of persons in the sponsor’s household or sponsor’s dependents was used to qualify, the sponsored noncitizen must submit the following items:

If the sponsor's assets or the assets of a member of the sponsor’s household were used to qualify, the sponsored noncitizen must submit the following items:

If the noncitizen was joint sponsored, substitute sponsored, or an employment-based immigrant requiring an affidavit of support, proof of the sponsor’s citizenship status, U.S. national status, or lawful permanent resident status must be provided.

The CAO must not deem income and resources to a noncitizen:

NOTE:  See Chapter 155 for information about deeming from a legally responsible relative (LRR) or stepparent.

NOTE:  The noncitizen must provide documentation from the agency's financial officer or certified accountant.

See Supplemental Handbook Chapter 730 for information on providing Cash Assistance to eligible refugees.

122.43 Responsibilities of the Sponsored Noncitizen

For three years from the date of entry, the sponsored noncitizen must do the following:

NOTE:  The responsibilities listed above do not apply to sponsored noncitizens who:

Deeming of a sponsor’s income ends when the noncitizen gains citizenship.         55 Pa. Code § 183.93


122.44 Counting Sponsor Resources

If the sponsor lives with his or her spouse, the CAO must count the resources of both the sponsor and the spouse.

If the deemed resources of the sponsor plus the net countable resources of the noncitizen exceed the appropriate resource limit, the noncitizen is ineligible because of excess resources.

The CAO must determine the countable resources of the sponsor and the sponsor’s spouse as follows:

NOTE:  Resident property is exempt and an acknowledgement of liability is not required. Equity value of resources is computed the same as for a budget group member. See Chapter 140.

NOTE:  The noncitizen, his or her sponsor, and the sponsor's spouse are not required to acknowledge liability for reimbursement of assistance from the sponsor's deemed resources.


Mr. and Mrs. Clark's countable resources


Less allowable deduction


Deemed resource available to the Albert family


Mr. Albert's available nonexempt resources


Total resources


If Mr. Albert's sponsor does not agree to deem the resources to Mr. Albert's family, then Mr. Albert is ineligible for Cash Assistance, because his resource limit of $1,000 is exceeded.

Mrs. Albert and the child are eligible. She and the child do not own countable resources. The value of Mr. Albert's LRR resources, $100, is less than the resource limit for TANF. Although Mr. Albert is a registered noncitizen and his sponsor is providing for his support, Mr. Albert is an LRR and only his personally owned resources are deemed to his wife and child.

122.45 Counting Sponsor Income

If the sponsor lives with his or her spouse, the CAO must count the income of the sponsor and the spouse.

If the deemed income of the sponsor plus the countable net income of the noncitizen are more than the noncitizen’s share of the monthly assistance payment, the noncitizen is ineligible.

The CAO must compute the income deemed to the noncitizen’s budget group as follows:

Example: Mr. Adams and his wife sponsored a noncitizen a year ago. They have two dependent children. Mr. Adams receives $650 a month in Social Security benefits. Mrs. Adams has earned income of $650 a month. Mr. Adams verified giving $200 a month to their dependent child, who is attending college.

Sponsor's earned income

$ 650

20% disregard



$ 520

Sponsor's unearned income




Standard of Need for 4


Dependent payment


Deemed available to noncitizen

$ 221

If the amount deemed from the sponsor is over the noncitizen’s share of the allowance, the CAO must determine whether the sponsor will contribute to the other unsponsored family members.

If the sponsor agrees to contribute an amount over the noncitizen’s needs, the noncitizen remains eligible and is included in the budget group. The amount contributed must be counted as unearned income for the budget group.

If the amount deemed is shared by more than one noncitizen, the amount must be divided equally among the noncitizens.

122.46 Overpayments

The noncitizen, the sponsor, or both may be held liable for any overpayments of assistance. See Supplemental Handbook Chapter 910.


Reissued September 18, 2012, replacing January 31, 2012