A complete renewal is a comprehensive review of eligibility factors subject to change. The CAO uses the review to determine continued eligibility of each budget group member and to determine whether the category and monthly payment amount are correct.
SNAP households enrolled in semiannual reporting (SAR) that apply for and are authorized for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Medical Assistance (MA) may have their current SNAP certification period shortened. A new certification period will align the SAR and renewal periods of all programs.
The CAO must complete a SNAP renewal if it benefits the client. If the IMCW completes a renewal, the current SNAP certification period is shortened and a new certification period aligns with the MA or cash certification period.
NOTE: The CAO must send the household a Confirming Notice with the benefit amount and new certification period. Use Option Code 6 with reason code 001 for the notice.
The CAO must conduct a face-to-face interview with the person who is the payment name for the budget group. This is part of the complete renewal. A face-to-face interview is important to determine if the client is making progress meeting goals and to determine what changes may be necessary in the new agreement of mutual responsibility (AMR).
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(2)(ii)
Exception: When the payment name for the budget group is temporarily staying out of the residence county, the CAO may complete the renewal by mail. See Chapter 123.
When processing the cash renewal, the CAO should align the cash/MA SAR and renewal dates with the SNAP SAR and renewal dates.
As part of a complete renewal, the CAO must always review the factors below, if they apply to the budget group:
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(2)(ii) 55 Pa. Code § 133.24(b)(3)(i)
Common residence and family composition.
Satisfaction of the penalty imposed on a person sentenced for a felony or a misdemeanor offense.
62 P.S. 432(9)
Compliance with a summons to appear as a defendant at a criminal court proceeding.
62 P.S. 481.1
Compliance with a bench warrant to appear as a defendant at a criminal court proceeding.
Compliance with the most recent AMR by the signer.
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(1)(vi) 55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(1)(vii)
Conviction for welfare fraud.
Conviction of a felony offense related to illegal possession, use, or distribution of a drug. This information is needed only for the client’s requirement to cooperate with assessment or treatment for a drug addiction if assessment or treatment is appropriate. See Section 104.48.
Conviction of misrepresenting residency in two or more states to receive benefits.
Earned and unearned income of budget group members (including sanctioned persons), parents, spouses, parents of minor parents, stepparents, and sponsors of aliens.
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(2)(ii)
Income expense deductions.
Special need items.
Special allowances for supportive services.
Road to Economic Self-sufficiency through Employment and Training status.
Applications for Social Security numbers not yet reported to the CAO.
Plans for the continuing care of a TANF child who is temporarily not residing with a specified relative.
Third-party medical resources, to update the third-party liability file.
Continued cooperation with support requirements, including reporting address changes and changes in the circumstances of absent parents known to the client that would affect support.
Good cause waiver for not cooperating with support requirements.
NOTE: In TANF cases, there is no deprivation of care due to absence if one parent is serving in the uniformed service. However, TANF could be authorized if one of the parents is incapacitated. Because both parents are included in the budget group, the CAO must get the signature of the parent serving in the uniformed service on the renewal form when the parent returns home on leave.
The CAO must require verification of all the eligibility factors that were reviewed at the renewal interview. See Chapter 178.
The CAO must conduct a complete renewal as often as appropriate to the budget, but must complete one at least every 12 months for all cash budgets.
eCIS will set a SAR review date and a renewal due date when authorizing Cash Assistance. The system will set an alert for the renewal due date. See Section 171.2.
A renewal is timely as long as it is completed in the calendar month that it is due. The renewal will appear as overdue on the supervisory alert if the renewal due date is not updated in eCIS on or before the last day of the month.
If benefits are closed because a renewal was not completed on time, the household may complete the renewal process within 60 days after benefits were closed and have benefits restored without submitting a new application. See [Section 179.3].
The CAO must interview the person who is the payment name for the budget group when redetermining eligibility.
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(1)(iii)
The CAO is the preferred setting for interviews. The CAO may give a client money from the petty cash fund or authorize a special needs allowance to make the office visit. See Chapter 138.
The CAO may make a home visit when:
the client absolutely cannot get to the CAO for an interview (housebound, incapacitated, lack of child care, distance from the recipient's home to the office, availability and cost of transportation, etc.);
a home visit would reveal information about suspected fraud or abuse; or
the agency believes there is a valid reason for a home visit.
The caseworker must get a supervisor’s approval before making a home visit in either of the last two situations.
The client must complete and sign a renewal form as part of a complete renewal.
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(1)(ii)
These persons must sign the renewal form:
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(1)(iii)
The person who is the payment name, regardless of age, before or during the renewal interview.
A recipient who is 18 years of age or older, during the renewal interview or within 15 working days of the renewal interview date.
A recipient who is an emancipated minor under age 18, during the renewal interview or within 15 working days of the renewal interview date.
A person who is required to sign the renewal form but does not do so is ineligible for benefits after proper notice.
Exception: When a parent of a TANF child is serving in the uniformed service, the CAO must get his or her signature on the renewal form when he or she returns home on leave.
The Authorization for Information Form (PA 4) is a consent form signed by the client authorizing a third party to give information to the CAO.
These persons must sign the PA 4 as an eligibility condition for continued assistance:
The person who is the payment name, regardless of age, before or during the renewal interview.
A recipient who is 18 years of age or older, during the renewal interview or within 15 working days of the renewal interview date.
A recipient who is an emancipated minor under age 18, during the renewal interview or within 15 working days of the renewal interview date.
A mandatory budget group member who is added to an existing budget group, within 15 working days of the authorization date.
Exception: When a parent of a TANF child is serving in the uniformed service, the CAO must have him or her sign the PA 4 when he or she returns home on leave.
Before the renewal interview, the CAO must do the following:
Review the caseload alerts to determine which budget groups are due for renewal. All TANF budgets are enrolled in SAR. SAR cases are renewed every 12 months. If the last renewal interview in a SAR case was completed six months earlier, change the renewal due date in CIS without an interview. The new renewal due date must be no more than 12 months from the last renewal interview date.
If a renewal is due, schedule the renewal interview and send the client a renewal form to complete. Contact the client and tell him or her what documentation to bring to establish continued eligibility.
Complete an Income Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) “Status Inquiry” file clearance. Review the information already available in the “Detail” and “History” screens. The CAO must review this information for every applicant, recipient, legally responsible relative (LRR), and person whose income and resources must be considered. If more recent information may be available, complete an “Information Request” inquiry.
Review the caseload alerts to determine whether a TANF client has been convicted of welfare fraud. See Section 170.5.
At the interview with the client, the CAO must do the following:
Help the client complete the renewal form if necessary.
Review the renewal form with the client.
Have the recipient complete the Criminal History Inquiry form if appropriate. See Section 104.482 for procedures.
Review compliance status with the Agreement of Mutual Responsibility. If the plan is revised, have the recipient sign the revised PA 1661. See Section 107.2 for procedures.
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(j)(vi)-(viii)
Discuss with the client whether he or she wants benefits to continue, what plans he or she may have for self-support or self-care, and when he or she expects those plans to develop.
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(2)(ii)
If the client wants benefits to continue, review those eligibility factors that are subject to change. See Section 176.2 for a list of factors to review, if applicable, with the budget group.
Review IEVS information with the client. If verification is needed, provide the client with a Client Verification Request Form (PA 162-VR) and give him or her ten calendar days to provide the verification.
Verify the eligibility factors and resource items that were reviewed that are subject to change. Tell the client that he or she must give any needed verification within 15 working days after the interview except for documentation of incapacity. Documentation of incapacity is due 30 calendar days from the interview date.
The CAO must help the client get verification, if necessary, or make a reasonable plan for the client to get verification on his or her own. Try to notify the client before making any collateral contacts, except in cases of suspected fraud.
Reminder: It is not necessary to verify those eligibility factors that have already been verified and are not likely to change, such as birth date, unless there is an indication of a change or discrepancy with current information.
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(3)(iii)
When a delay is due to a third party and the client is cooperating, the CAO must continue benefits. Review progress on getting documentation and cooperation every 30 days.
Discuss possible resources and income and get the client’s agreement to develop those resources.
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(3)(iii)
Explain that the client must cooperate with the third-party liability (TPL) program. This includes completing a PW 382, Medical Services Questionnaire (See Chapter 185, Appendix A). Explain that if the recipient does not respond or provide the necessary information, the CAO must discontinue Cash Assistance and Medical Assistance with proper notice. See Chapter 185 for CAO responsibilities for the PW 382.
55 Pa. Code § 125.21(a) 55 Pa. Code § 125.21(c) 55 Pa. Code § 178.3
Evaluate social service needs and plans. Review DPW services, such as Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT), and services other agencies provide to eligible clients.
Make plans with the client for the next interview and remind him or her of the responsibility to report changes. Set controls for any possible changes.
Update the eligibility information, the renewal due date, and any other case record information.
At the end of the renewal interview, offer the client the opportunity to register to vote. Provide the registration form if the client wants to register. Help the client complete the voter registration form if necessary. See Supplemental Handbook, Chapter 980.
45 U.S.C.A. §§ 1973gg-5(a)(2)(A)
Provide information about lower telephone costs through Link-Up America and Lifeline programs. See Section 103.33.
55 Pa. Code § 121.3(a)(2)(iii)
As a condition of continued eligibility, the person who is the payment name must do the following:
Complete the renewal form to the best of his or her ability and sign it.
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(1)(iii)
Provide the information necessary to complete the renewal.
Provide the information needed to complete the medical resources form. The client must provide information about medical resources within 30 days after each renewal interview.
Cooperate with the TPL program. This includes completing a Medical Services Questionnaire (PW 382).
55 Pa. Code § 125.21(a) 55 Pa. Code § 178.3
Sign the PA 4 consenting to the disclosure of information by third parties to the CAO to verify age, residence, citizenship, applications for employment, and employment, income, and resources.
55 Pa. Code § 133.23(a)(1)(iv)
NOTE: Each member of the budget group who is required to sign the Application for Benefits (PA600) must update, complete, or sign a separate AMR. See Section 107.2.
Reissued April 24, 2015, replacing September 25, 2012