The Department of Human Services gives SBP (State Blind Pension) benefits for certain Pennsylvania residents. Recipients must qualify and meet visual requirements. The state funds SBP. The payment amount is set by law and can only be changed by legislative act. The category system for SBP is "B".
55 Pa. Code § 451.1 55 Pa. Code § 451.2 55 Pa. Code § 451.3(a)
DHS issues the SBP payment monthly, on the regular payment date for the month’s first assistance check. Payment may go to the blind person, his guardian, or his trustee.
A person who qualifies for SBP or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) may get benefits under any one of these programs. He may not get SBP at the same time that he gets TANF or SSI.
The SBP recipient must report any changes in circumstances that may affect eligibility within 10 days.
The SBP applicant or recipient has the same right to appeal and have a fair hearing as any other cash assistance client. See Supplemental Handbook, Chapter 870.
The CAO safeguards information collected about an SBP applicant or recipient. See Supplemental Handbook, Chapter 930.
A person must apply for SBP in the county where he lives. All application rules for TANF programs also apply to SBP. See Cash Assistance Handbook, Chapter 104.
Exception: A face-to-face interview is not required for SBP.
A guardian, relative or official of an institution where the blind person gets medical care may apply for him if the blind person cannot apply for himself due to illness or infirmity.
The SBP program uses many of the same forms and notices used in the TANF program.
The SBP applicant must complete and sign the Application for Benefits (PA 600) and sign the Authorization for Information (PA 4). He receives a Rights and Responsibilities Notice at application and at each renewal.
The CAO will send the SBP client appropriate notices, including:
Client Verification Request Form
See the Cash Assistance Handbook, Chapter 177, Notices.
If an SBP applicant or recipient is getting interim assistance while waiting for suspended SSI benefits, he must sign an Agreement and Authorization to Pay Claim (OIG176-SSI) in order to qualify. See Cash Assistance Handbook, Chapter 136, Interim Assistance.
SBP cases are not subject to Quality Control review but may be chosen for review by the Auditor General. See Chapter 805, Audits.
The blind person must prove that he qualifies at application and at renewal. He may have trouble getting needed information because of his disability. The CAO must help if the blind person needs help getting proof that he qualifies.
See Cash Assistance Handbook, Chapter 178, Verification.
Reviewed July 30, 2013