183.2 Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for a child care payment, the TANF budget group must include an individual participating in an approved work-related activity and a TANF dependent child or a child who would qualify as a TANF dependent child except for receipt of SSI or Foster Care benefits.  

NOTE: In order to receive child care allowances, the parent/caretaker must be participating in an allowable employment and training activity. It is important for the Project Enrollment Activity Screen to reflect accurate and current information.

See Chapter 105, Category.     

55 Pa. Code § 168.17(1)       55 Pa. Code § 168.17(2)         55 Pa. Code § 168.18(a)

Example 1:  TANF - ES parent/caretaker and EC child would be potentially eligible for child care allowances.

Example 2:  TANF - ES parent/caretaker with a C/EC and C2/EC - both children would be potentially eligible for child care allowances.

Example 3:  TANF - NA or NS parent/caretaker with an EC child would be ineligible for child care allowances.

Example 4:  SSI - J/ES parent/caretaker with an EC child would be ineligible for child care allowances.

Example 5:  SSI - C/ES parent/caretaker and J/EC child would be eligible for child care allowances.

Example 6:  E-TANF - ES parent/caretaker enrolled in an appropriate track and EC child would be eligible for child care allowances.

Example 7: Disqualified Individuals – DF parent/caretaker with an EC child would be ineligible for child care allowances.


Employed TANF recipients are eligible for child care allowances beginning with the first day of employment.     

55 Pa. Code § 168.1(b)(3)(ii)

To maintain eligibility for child care allowances, the budget group participating in a paid work-related activity must pay the required co-payment determined by the CCIS agency.         

55 Pa. Code § 168.20

NOTE:  Vocation-Specific Work Experience (VWE) is considered the same as Paid Work Experience (PWE) and counts towards the TANF grant. Gross monthly countable income, including VWE is used to calculate the child care co-payment.

TANF applicants who must complete a job search as part of eligibility requirements are not eligible for child care allowances as they are not yet TANF recipients (See Chapter 135: Employment and Training Requirements).

NOTE: While TANF applicants are required to participate in an applicant job search as a condition of eligibility for cash benefits, the CAO must consider granting good cause for not completing the job search due to lack of child care. Applicants can meet the requirement of applying for three jobs in a number of different ways that may not require that they travel or require child care for their children, but if these are not practical, the parent must be granted good cause from the applicant job search requirement.

Applicants may scan the classifieds, make phone calls to inquire if companies are hiring, and send resumes and applications by mail. Those with access to the internet may apply for jobs online. They should be encouraged to register with Job Gateway at www.JobGateWay.state.pa.us to conduct their job searches.  Online job searches can also be conducted at the CAO, the CareerLink or the public library.


183.21 Requests for Child Care Allowances

The CAO will inform applicants and recipients of the availability of child care allowances at application, renewal and whenever the Agreement of Mutual Responsibility (AMR) is developed or revised and reflects a need for child care. The CAO will inform the individual that:

55 Pa. Code § 168.18(a)

55 Pa. Code § 168.17(2)(i) and (ii)

55 Pa. Code § 168.17(3)(i) and (ii)

55 Pa. Code § 168.18(f)


The client has a right to appeal a child care eligibility decision made by the CAO.       

55 Pa. Code § 168.101


183.22 Child-Care Notices and Alerts

The Department will provide child care allowance information to applicants and recipients either through automated notices or written letters.

55 Pa. Code § 168.101       55 Pa. Code § 133.4(a)         55 Pa. Code § 133.4(b)

The CCIS agency will send alerts to eCIS on a weekly basis to notify the CAO when child care payment stops or a child’s enrollment terminates.

See Appendix F for notice and alert text.


183.23 Eligible Child

An eligible child must meet the following criteria:

55 Pa. Code § 168.17(1)

55 Pa. Code § 168.17(2)(i)

55 Pa. Code § 168.17(2)(ii)

NOTE: If documentation is available for a child 13 years of age or older but less than 19 years with a developmental age of less than 13 years as verified by a physician or licensed psychologist, enter this information into the case comments and on the eCIS Disability screen. This process will prevent unnecessary child care delays and allow payment at a higher rate through the CCIS agency.

 55 Pa. Code § 168.51

If any child in the budget passes child care eligibility, then eCIS will transfer the case to the CCIS agency through the Pennsylvania’s Enterprise to Link Information for Children across Networks (PELICAN).

NOTE: In order to receive child care allowances, the parent/caretaker must be participating in an allowable employment and training activity. It is important to for the Project Enrollment Activity Screen to reflect accurate and current information.


183.24 Need for Child Care

The CAO will determine whether child care is needed to enable a budget group member to participate in an approved work-related activity and if the budget group is eligible for a child care allowance .     

55 Pa. Code § 168.1           55 Pa. Code § 168.18


The CAO will inform recipients who are in need of child care about the following:      

55 Pa. Code § 168.1(b)

55 Pa. Code § 168.1

55 Pa. Code § 168.1(b)(2)                55 Pa. Code § 168.1(g)

55 Pa. Code § 168.41

55 Pa. Code § 168.71

55 Pa. Code § 168.1(e)    55 Pa. Code § 165.45


Child care is not needed when a parent/caretaker who is not participating in an approved work-related activity is living in the home, unless one of the following exists:       

55 Pa. Code § 168.18(b)

55 Pa. Code § 168.18(b)(2)

55 Pa. Code § 168.18(b)(3)

55 Pa. Code § 168.18(b)(1)

NOTE: The CAO worker must document in the eCIS case narrative that child care is needed because one parent/caretaker has been verified to be physically or mentally unable to provide child care while the other parent/caretaker is participating in work or a work-related activity. The CAO must continue to record this information in the eCIS case comments at application, renewal and when an AMR is completed or updated.

55 Pa. Code § 168.18(d)

After the CAO has determined that child care is needed and the budget group is eligible, the CCIS agency determines enrollment and makes payment for child care. The CCIS agency can pay a child care allowance:

183.241 Availability of Child Care for a Short-Term Change in Circumstance

Short-Term Child Care for TANF Families is available to qualified TANF families who are enrolled in the subsidized child care program and in the need of alternate care when the child’s normal provider is unavailable. Situations include, but are not limited to the following:

TANF families that are child care eligible and not receiving child care services because the children are in school while the parent/caretaker is attending an employment and training activity or working may require child care on an intermittent basis as follows:

The CAO or contractor assists the parent in completing a Short-Term Care Referral Form when a parent receiving TANF expresses a possible need for short-term child care. The completed form is faxed to the CCIS agency. TANF child care enrollment regulations and requirement rules apply for short term care, as follows:

NOTE: Short-Term Child Care is not available to individuals receiving child care under former TANF, individuals in employment retention with a contractor, SSI or SNAP-only families.


183.242 Minor parent

To qualify for a child care allowance, the minor parent who has care and control of his/her child and is participating in an approved educational program must reside in the home of the parent of the minor parent or caretaker unless otherwise exempt from the minor parent rule as discussed in Section 110.6. The minor parent must:

The AMR must also address the need for child care and the location of the child care provider for the minor parent’s child during school attendance.

See Appendix A for examples of households that include a minor parent.


Reissued November 24, 2014 replacing November 22, 2013