110.4 Mandatory TANF Budget Group Members

Certain individuals who live with the TANF child must be included in the budget group. Mandatory members of a TANF budget group include the following:

55 Pa. Code § 171.21(a)(1)(i)(B)

55 Pa. Code § 171.21(a)(1)(i)(C)

An individual is still a mandatory budget group member even if he or she is TANF ineligible for any reason including, but not limited to, the following:

NOTE:  The individual must be included in the TANF budget group, with an appropriate eligibility status code indicating sanctioned/disqualified or not eligible. The income and resources of this person must be considered in determining the eligibility for the rest of the eligible members of the budget group.

When the individual regains eligibility, his or her eligibility status code must be changed from ineligible to eligible status in the budget group, and a one-time issuance (OTI) completed to ensure the individual receives the correct benefit amount from the date of compliance to the date their ES status became effective (unless the mandatory member is a child. See Section 110.213).

Example: Ms. Jones (NS) provides verification of compliance with fines and costs on 10/01/xx. Her ES status change is effective payment date 10/10/xx. An OTI is issued for the period of 10/01/xx thru 10/09/xx.

Exceptions: A person must not be included if:



Failure to add a mandatory person to a budget group may result in an overpayment or in the ineligibility of the entire budget group. See Chapter 168.


110.41 Biological or Adoptive Parents of the TANF Child

The CAO must include the biological or adoptive parents living with the TANF child in that child's budget group or a minor parent who does not meet any of the exemptions under Section 110.6.     

  55 Pa. Code § 171.21(a)(1)(i)(B)

A stepparent is not a mandatory budget group member. The CAO must not include a stepparent in the TANF budget unless he or she is designated as the specified relative.

A parent must be included in the budget group as one of the following:





NOTE:  The CAO must review and update any eligibility status codes when a person is added to or removed from the budget group.

Example: Mrs. Evans and three daughters, age 14, 15, and 19, live in an apartment. Mrs. Evans (ES) and her daughters 14 and 15 (both EC) are eligible for TANF benefits because of the absence of the children’s father. Mrs. Evans is the payment name. The 19-year-old daughter does not qualify for assistance at this time. Mrs. Evans dies and the 19-year-old-daughter assumes care and control of her siblings. She qualifies as the specified relative to the children. The CAO adds her to the TANF budget group as the specified relative (ES) and the payment name.


110.42 Siblings of the TANF Child

The CAO must include a sibling living with the TANF child if the sibling meets the following TANF eligibility conditions:     

 55 Pa. Code § 171.21(a)(1)(i)(C)   

The relationship must be by blood (for example, brother or half brother) or by adoption. A child getting Title IV-E or state or local foster care or adoption assistance must not be included as a member of a TANF budget group unless including the child in the budget group would increase the budget group’s benefits. The child must be included in the budget group if benefits would increase.

A stepbrother or stepsister is not a mandatory budget group member. The CAO may include the stepsibling if he or she is designated as the specified relative.

NOTE:  A step relationship is not a blood relationship. Half siblings have one parent in common. Stepsiblings have no parents in common.

Example: Mr. and Mrs. Brown, their daughter, Brenda; Mrs. Brown's daughter from a previous marriage, Susan; and Mr. Brown's son from a previous marriage, Bob, live together.

Code EC is used for the child who is included as a TANF child’s sibling.

Code EP is used for a minor parent who:

a.  is age 17 or younger and

b.  is not designated the specified relative and

c.  is not qualified as a TANF dependent and

d.  is required to live in the home of a parent, legal guardian, or other adult relative or in an adult supervised supportive living arrangement or

e.  must be included in the budget group because their own child is eligible for TANF or

f.    is pregnant and eligible for TANF.

Code EC is used if a minor parent also qualifies as a TANF dependent and is required to be included in the TANF budget group of a sibling who is eligible as a TANF dependent child.

Code ES is used for a minor parent who is exempt from the requirements listed in Section 110.6 and is designated as the specified relative.


Reissued August16, 2013, replacing May 30, 2013