576.4 Untimely Renewals Due to the Household's Failure to Act

The household has not completed the renewal process timely if it:   

 7 CFR § 273.14(e)

If the household fails to submit a timely renewal form, the CAO must authorize SNAP benefits to an eligible household so that they are received no later than 30 calendar days after an untimely renewal form has been filed. (See Section 576.31.) An untimely renewal interview will result in the proration of benefits similar to the initial application, except for migrant and seasonal farm workers. All other application procedures apply. (See Chapter 504.)  

 7 CFR § 273.14(e) and Pub. L. 104-193 § 827

Example: A household's certification period ends September 30. The household fails to keep the scheduled renewal interview on September 11. The CAO sends a confirming notice on October 1 telling the household that benefits have been stopped. The household does not submit a renewal form until October 4. If the interview is completed by October 7, all verification is received, and the household is found eligible, then the CAO issues prorated benefits effective October 4.

When the household requests that benefits be reopened, asks for a new application, or submits needed verification within 30 days following the date benefits were closed, the CAO must reopen the case and re-determine SNAP eligibility without requiring a new application or renewal form if already submitted, (see Section 579.3).

Once the certification period has ended and there has been a full month before the CAO receives a renewal form, the CAO must require a new application to be completed.

If the household submits a renewal form before an application form, the CAO must use the renewal form receipt date to calculate benefits. The CAO must attach the renewal form to the new application for auditing purposes.

Example: A household's certification period ends July 31. The household fails to keep the scheduled renewal interview on July 11. The CAO sends a Confirming Notice on August 1, telling the household that benefits have been stopped. The household submits a renewal form on September 6. If a new application form is completed, the interview is completed, all verification is received, and the household is found eligible, then the CAO issues prorated benefits from September 6.

If the household submits the renewal form timely but then fails to cooperate with the interview or verification requirements before the end of the certification period, the CAO must not provide uninterrupted benefits unless there has been an administrative error.  If the household completes the interview or provides needed verification within 30 days of the end of the certification period, the CAO must reopen SNAP without requiring a new application (see Section 579.3).

Example: A household goes to its renewal interview on September 6 but fails to provide needed verification within the allowable time frame. The CAO sends a denial notice on October 5. The verification is provided on October 17. The CAO issues prorated benefits effective October 17 if a new application form is completed.

If the household provides the verification after the 30-day time frame but before the end of the certification period, the CAO must provide uninterrupted benefits.

  7 CFR § 273.14(e)(2)

Example: A household's certification period ends in May and is in issuance cycle 7. On May 5, the household completes an application for renewal. The household is found eligible, but additional verification is needed. The time frame for providing the verification ends June 3. Verification is provided on May 24. The CAO authorizes uninterrupted benefits.

If an eligible household cannot participate within 30 calendar days after the application filing date because of the time allowed for submitting missing verification, the CAO must give the household an opportunity to participate within 5 work days after the household supplies the missing verification.  

 7 CFR § 273.14(b)

Example: A household’s certification period ends in April. The household keeps the scheduled application for renewal on April 1. The CAO worker starts to process the renewal with an issuance cycle 1 on April 20 and discovers that verification is needed. The CAO contacts the household on April 20 to request the verification by May 20. The household provides the verification on April 30. Because April 30 is the 30th day and benefits cannot be processed by that date, the CAO provides benefits by May 5. Benefits for May are not prorated.

576.41 Authorizing Untimely Applications, Interviews, and Verification

Although a household may lose its right to uninterrupted benefits, benefits must not be denied.

  7 CFR § 273.14(b)

The CAO must issue benefits within 30 days from the application date once the household complies and is otherwise eligible.  When the household reapplies within 30 days of benefits closure, the CAO must reopen the case without requiring a new application or renewal form if already submitted (see Section 579.3).

576.42 Denials

A household that is ineligible for benefits because it failed to meet renewal requirements must receive a denial notice before the end of the current certification period.  

 7 CFR § 273.14(b)

The household must receive the denial notice no later than 30 days after the application or verification request if time frames for providing verification expire after the end of the certification period.



PFS-17721-506; Expedited SNAP benefits review for untimely SNAP renewals; October 2015

PFS12979576 Untimely Recertification Issues (Linked June 14, 2006)

PFS13048576 Renewal Form Received After Closing (Linked June 14, 2006)

OPS070214 Notice of Missed Interview (Linked March 12, 2008)

OPS060403 Application Processing for Households and Families Recently Discontinued or Denied Benefits (Linked February 20, 2008)

PFS13000504 Application Processing Issues - OPS-06-04-03 (Linked February 20, 2008)

PFS13039504 Application After Closing/New Application Form (Linked February 20, 2008)

PFS13622576 Notice Of Missed Interview Language (Linked May 19, 2007)

PFS13664576 Notice of Missed Interview (NOMI) at Renewal (Linked May 15, 2007)


Reissued March 1, 2012 , replacing May 3, 2007