Issuing a controlled document includes issuing:
A check
A Temporary ACCESS Card. See Cash Assistance Handbook Chapter 180, Issuing Benefits,
Any other controlled document for the individual to obtain a benefit
A receipt to an individual for benefit returns or payments
For all controlled documents except PA/CS 175-M receipts, the issuance process begins when the worker provides instructions to the Issuing Clerk on the Authorization and Instruction Sheet (PW 764)
For PA/CS 175-M receipts, the issuance process begins when the worker asks the Issuing Clerk for a receipt.
Proper documentation is required to account for all benefits issued from the CAO.
The procedures make sure the CAO maintains a security system for issuing controlled documents. Regulations and procedures in the Cash Assistance, SNAP, and Medical Assistance Eligibility Handbooks supplement these procedures.
For controlled documents for the Cash Assistance program, see the Cash Assistance Handbook, Chapter 180, Issuing Benefits.
For controlled documents for the SNAP program, see the SNAP Handbook, Chapter 580, Issuing Benefits, Section 580.7, Special Allowances for Supportive Services Related to the Employment and Training Program.
For Temporary ACCESS Cards, see the Medical Assistance Eligibility Handbook, Chapter 380, Issuing the ACCESS Card, Section 380.4, Temporary ACCESS Card.
For PA/CS 175-M receipts, see Chapter 915, Reimbursement.
A check issued from the Emergency Fund Advancement Account (EFAA) is a controlled document. CAOs order checks for County issuances locally through their banks. A check may be issued for:
An initial payment
A medical special needs allowance
An ETP special needs allowance
The CAO will enter the information for a check issued from the county EFAA into the Client Information System (CIS).
The CAO will use the following procedure for handling and issuing EFAA checks:
1. The Issuing Officer releases a checkbook with serialized EFAA checks to the Issuing Clerk.
2. The Issuing Officer records the serial numbers of the first available check and the last check in the checkbook onto the PW 418.1 that is maintained for county EFAA checks.
3. The Issuing Officer and Issuing Clerk initial the PW 418.1.
4. The Issuing Clerk prepares the EFAA checks and records them on the PW 419.1 Issuing Clerk’s log.
5. The Issuing Clerk returns the PW 419.1 log and unused checks to the Issuing Officer at the end of the day.
6. A summary entry for the checks issued for the day is recorded in the cash book ledger from the PW 419.1 logs.
7. The Issuing Officer and Issuing Clerk initial the PW 418.1 to verify the return of unused checks.
8.The Issuing Officer verifies the numbers of the issued and returned checks by comparing them with the PW 419.1.
9. The Issuing Officer returns the checks, the PW 418.1, and the PW 419.1 to locked storage.
The PA 2SP is a Food Coupon Authorization Identification Card for use at restaurants.
When issuing the two-part PA 2SP Identification Card, the CAO will use the following procedure:
1. The Issuing Officer releases a supply of PA 2SPs to the Issuing Clerk.
2. The Issuing Officer records the serial numbers of the ID cards on the PW 418.1 log maintained for the PA 2SP.
3. The Issuing Officer and Issuing Clerk initial the PW 418.1.
4. The Issuing Clerk reviews the worker’s instructions on the PW 764 for issuing a PA 2SP.
5. The Issuing Clerk types the required information on the original PA 2SP and checks the copy to be sure the information is clearly printed and readable.
NOTE: The signatures of the Issuing Officer and the recipient are required on the copy of the identification card before the document is separated and the original issued to the recipient. If mailed, the ID Copy must indicate “ID Mailed” and have the Issuing Officer’s signature.
6. The Issuing Clerk distributes the two-part Identification Card as follows:
Original – Issue to the recipient.
Copy – Retain centrally in numerical sequence.
7. The Issuing Clerk returns copies of the issued PA 2SP and unused PA 2SPs to the Issuing Officer at the end of the day.
8. The Issuing Officer verifies issued and returned PA 2SPs by comparing card serial numbers on the PW 418.1 with the copies of cards issued.
9. The Issuing Officer returns unused PA 2SPs and the PW 418.1 to locked storage.
See the Medical Assistance Eligibility Handbook, Section 380.4, Temporary ACCESS Card, for instructions on how to issue a Temporary ACCESS Card.
The CAO will use the following procedure when preparing and issuing Temporary ACCESS Cards:
1. The Issuing Officer issues the appropriate cards requested by the Issuing Clerk.
2. The Issuing Officer records the serial numbers of the cards issued on the PW 418. A separate PW 418 is maintained for each category of card.
3. The Issuing Officer and Issuing Clerk initial the PW 418 log.
4. The Issuing Clerk reviews the worker’s instructions on the PW 764 for issuing a Temporary ACCESS Card.
5. The Issuing Clerk issues the PA 5A, Temporary ACCESS Card.
6. The Issuing Clerk records the serial numbers of the cards issued on the PW 419.
7. The Issuing Clerk returns the unused ID cards to the Issuing Officer along with the Issuing Clerk’s PW 419 for that day.
8. The Issuing Officer reconciles the serial numbers of the cards issued and recorded on the PW 418 at the beginning of the day with the serial numbers issued and recorded on the PW 419 for that day.
9. The Issuing Officer returns the unused cards and logs to locked storage.
When the CAO accepts a payment for child support or repayment of overpayments, it issues a PA/CS 175-M as a receipt. The PA/CS 175-M gives the individual making payment a receipt and provides an audit trail for CAO handling and forwarding of the payment to the Office of Inspector General (OIG).
NOTE: Instructions for completing a PA/CS 175-M and distributing copies are in Chapter 915, Appendix C.
The CAO issues the PA/CS 175-M as follows:
1. The Issuing Officer maintains a supply of PA/CS 175-Ms in locked storage.
2. The Issuing Officer issues a supply of PA/CS 175-Ms to the Issuing Clerk and records serial numbers of the first and last receipt on the PW 418.1 maintained for PA/CS 175-Ms.
3. The Issuing Officer and Issuing Clerk initial the PW 418.1.
4. The Issuing Clerk records the PA/CS 175-Ms serial numbers as issued on the PW 419.1.
5. The Issuing Clerk returns unused PA/CS 175-Ms, the PW 419.1, and appropriate copies of the PA/CS 175-M to the Issuing Officer at the end of the day.
6. The Issuing Officer reconciles PA/CS 175-Ms issued with the PW 418.1.
7. The Issuing Officer keeps copies of the PA/CS 175-M in the audit file according to the requirements in the Chapter 915, Appendix C.
Reviewed July 30, 2013