105.2 TANF Categorical Requirements

The Federal government sets TANF requirements. These individuals may qualify for TANF:

55 Pa. Code § 141.41(a)

55 Pa. Code § 151.41

55 Pa. Code § 151.43(f)

55 Pa. Code § 171.21(a)(1)(i)

NOTE:  All references to TANF in this section also apply to Extended TANF unless noted otherwise.     

55 Pa. Code § 141.51(b)


105.21 TANF Dependent Children


There must be a TANF dependent child in the home for the family to receive TANF.  An individual may receive TANF if they qualify as an eligible adult or specified relative to a child who would be eligible for TANF but receives SSI.  

NOTE:  If a child who qualifies as a TANF dependent child receives SSI, they are not included in the budget group.

Example:  Ms. B applies for assistance. Her 5-year-old son receives SSI. She is divorced from his father. Ms. B's son is eligible for TANF but receives SSI instead. Ms. B must receive TANF code ES.       

55 Pa. Code § 141.1(b)(4)

If the only dependent child in the budget group is not eligible because of a RESET sanction, the specified relative(s) may receive TANF if they are otherwise eligible.      

55 Pa. Code § 165.61(e)

Exception: A pregnant woman with no children (or no children receiving TANF) and who is exempt from the minor parent requirements may receive TANF for herself only if the unborn would be deprived of parental support or care when born. She must prove the pregnancy and due date. When born, the child must be eligible based on income and resources. Use category C for pregnant women with no other dependent children.       

55 Pa. Code § 151.43(f)

NOTE: Special requirements apply to an unmarried pregnant woman under age 18. See Chapter 110, Budget Groups, and Section 110.6, TANF Minor Parents.

To decide if the family qualifies in the TANF category, the CAO will first find if there is a child in the home who qualifies for TANF. The CAO will:

1. Determine if the child is under age 18, or is age 18 and a full-time student in secondary school or the equivalent level of vocational or technical training.

55 Pa. Code §  145.43

2. Verify the child’s age. See Chapter 121, Age for a list of acceptable proof.      

55 Pa. Code § 145.44(a)(1)

3. Verify school attendance if the child is age 18. See Chapter 121, Age for a list of acceptable proof.      

55 Pa. Code § 145.44(b)(2)

4. Determine if the child lives with someone who meets all specified relative requirements.

55 Pa. Code § 151.41

55 Pa. Code § 151.42

55 Pa. Code § 151.43


NOTE: To qualify as a specified relative, a person must be related to the TANF child as explained in Section 127.21. The person does not have to prove this relationship. The person’s statement that they are related to the TANF child is enough, unless the CAO has information to the contrary.

5. Determine if the child is deprived based on absence, death, incapacity, or unemployment. See Chapter 129, Deprivation.   

55 Pa. Code § 153.43

6. Verify the deprivation requirement. See Chapter 129, Deprivation for a list of acceptable proof.        

55 Pa. Code § 153.44

If the client meets all criteria listed above and the budget group meets all financial requirements, authorize TANF for the budget group. Use these codes:


NOTE: If a budget group has two or more TANF dependent children who qualify for different deprivation reasons (such as some members qualifying for TANF-C while others qualify only for TANF-U), use category U rather than C.

105.22 Specified Relatives

If the child meets the TANF conditions, a specified relative may also receive TANF. A specified relative must be an adult relative who lives with the child and exercises care and control of the child. Code specified relatives ES or NS. See Chapter 127, Specified Relatives.      

55 Pa. Code § 151.41

105.23 Reserved


105.24 Mandatory Budget Group Members

Biological or adoptive parents and dependent full or half siblings of a TANF child must be included in the budget group. Code EA or EP a parent (including a minor parent) who is required to be in the budget group, but:         

55 Pa Code. § 171.21(a)(1)(i)(B)

See Chapter 110, Budget Groups.

Exception: A child receiving Federal IV-E or State, or local foster care assistance or adoption assistance is not included as a TANF budget group member unless the child receives federal, state, or local adoption assistance, and including them in the budget group would increase the budget group’s benefits. If including the adopted child would increase benefits, the CAO must include the child in the budget group. See Chapter 110, Budget Groups.

105.25 Time-Limited Assistance

An adult head-of-household or spouse of head-of-household can only receive TANF assistance for 60 months (five years) in their lifetime. There is no time limit for Extended TANF.        

55 Pa. Code § 141.41(d)

55 Pa. Code § 141.51(b)


TANF assistance counts toward the lifetime limit if the person who receives it is:

Example: Lucy, age 20, and her child moved from New York to Pennsylvania. While in New York Lucy received TANF as an Eligible Essential EE TANF household member. Her grandmother was the specified relative. Lucy applies for TANF benefits in Pennsylvania for herself and her child. The TANF day count begins the first day Lucy qualifies for TANF in Pennsylvania, because Lucy is now the head of household. The days Lucy received TANF in New York do not count toward her TANF lifetime limit because her grandmother was the head of household there and exercised care and control over Lucy.

Periods of receipt count toward the 60-month limit even if they are not consecutive.

A family may not receive TANF assistance if the family includes an adult head of household or spouse of head of household who has received the lifetime limit of 60 months.

A family is defined as a minor child and his parent(s) or specified relative with whom he lives. A parent or specified relative who lives with the minor child is considered a member of the child’s family whether he is in the application for TANF or is applying only for the minor child. 

NOTE:  For the 60-month time limit, a family does not include a specified relative who is not included in the TANF mandatory filing unit and wants assistance only for the minor child.       

55 Pa. Code § 141.41(d)(2)

NOTE:  A parent who is not eligible for TANF because they have received 60 months of TANF assistance, and who lives in the home with their minor child, must be included in the TANF application for their minor child. See Chapter 110, Section 110.4, Mandatory TANF Budget Group Members.


55 Pa. Code § 141.51

105.251 Exceptions to time limits

These do not count as “assistance received” for a person’s 60 months of TANF eligibility:        

55 Pa. Code § 141.41(d)(6)

55 Pa. Code § 281.1

105.252 Child-only budget group

A child-only budget group does not have the 60-month limit. In a child-only budget group, TANF assistance is authorized only for the child (or children) and the specified relative the child lives with is either:         

55 Pa. Code § 141.41(d)(2)

NOTE: A child-only budget group cannot receive Extended TANF. Extended TANF must include an adult head-of-household who is a cash assistance recipient.        

55 Pa. Code § 141.51(b)

105.253 TANF receipt from other states

A recipient who meets TANF requirements and who has received (but did not exhaust) TANF cash benefits in another state may receive TANF in Pennsylvania if otherwise eligible. The 60-month limit balance will be adjusted to reflect TANF cash benefits received in the other state on or after March 3, 1997. Verify TANF receipt days in another state using a PA 1714 form. See Chapter 178, Verification, Appendix A.

The CAO worker will record information about earlier TANF receipt in other states.


105.26 Extended TANF Categorical Requirements

The family must meet TANF non-financial, income and resource requirements.         

55 Pa. Code § 141.51(a)

The CAO will consider Extended TANF for a family or a pregnant woman who would qualify for TANF except for the 60-month time limit.    

55 Pa. Code § 141.51(b)

The family must include an adult head-of-household or spouse of head-of-household who has reached the 60-month time limit for TANF receipt.

55 Pa. Code § 141.51(b)

The adult must meet an ETANF hardship criteria.

55 Pa. Code § 133.23(b)(1)(iii)


A family does not qualify for Extended TANF if the adult is not eligible due to non-compliance with the following program requirements:

1. Failed to sign required forms, including the AMR. See Section 107.51 Penalty for Not Completing or Signing the AMR.

2. Failed to apply for or provide social security numbers. See SHB 950.22 Providing or Applying for an SSN.

3. Failed to apply for federal benefits. See Section 104.44 Applicant Cooperation.

4. Failed to comply with SAR. See Section 171.6 Failure to Submit a Semiannual Reporting Form or a Complete Late/Incomplete Notice by the Appropriate Due Dates.

5. Non-compliant with criminal history, outstanding fines/costs and/or warrant. See Section 104.48 Criminal History Requirements.

6. Non-cooperative with Quality Control (QC). See SHB 900.6 Client Cooperation Requirements.

55 Pa. Code § 141.21(n)(1)(iii)

55 Pa. Code § 155.2

*Note – If the ETANF head of household and/or spouse are found guilty of intentional program violation, welfare fraud, the household is ineligible for the minimum time periods based on occurrence.

The adult head-of-household who has reached the 60-month time limit for TANF must cooperate in establishing if they qualify for Extended TANF. Extended TANF requirements apply to this adult even in domestic violence cases where a family member is the victim.        

55 Pa. Code § 141.53(a)

A family applying for or receiving Extended TANF benefits is not eligible for cash assistance if an adult does not cooperate with the Extended TANF program requirements.  ETANF adults are mandatory Road to Economic Self-Sufficiency Through Employment and Training (RESET) participants, unless exempt or good cause has been established. Mandatory members may also establish good cause for full or partial hours of participation. Failure to comply with RESET or program requirements may result in a sanction until good cause is established.  Since ETANF households have received more than 24 months of cash assistance, the sanction applies to the entire family. See Section 135.8, Extended TANF and Section 135.72 Sanctions for Failure to Comply.

A household that includes one or more budget group members over 1830 TANF days must establish eligibility under ETANF requirements. If eligible, the entire budget group is considered ETANF and must comply with Extended TANF eligibility requirements.

A household that includes one adult budget group member over 1830 TANF days and another adult budget group member under 1830 days will still be an ETANF household.

NOTE: The adult member with less than 1830 days continues to accumulate TANF days towards their 60-month limit while in the ETANF household.


105.261 ETANF Hardship Criteria

To receive Extended TANF without interruption in cash assistance benefits, the adult head-of-household and spouse, if applicable, must complete a partial renewal and meet an ETANF Hardship criteria. A new or updated Agreement of Mutual Responsibility (AMR) must be completed. See Section 176.32 Determining Eligibility for Extended TANF.         

55 Pa. Code § 133.23(b)(1)(iii)

To qualify for Extended TANF each adult must meet one or more of the following hardship criteria:

·       Domestic violence

-       Current or past good cause waiver of child support cooperation requirements.

-       Current or past waiver of RESET requirements.

-       Received time-out benefits based on domestic violence


·       Maximizing participation project

-       Exempt from participating in RESET because the individual is mentally or physically disabled.

-       Not exempt from RESET but has good cause for not complying with RESET.

-       Exempt from participation in RESET because the individual is the parent or specified relative who is providing care for a child under 6 and alternate child care arrangement is unavailable.


·       Mandatory RESET participants

-       Employed 30 or more hours per week.

-       Participating in an employment and training program.

-       Employed 20-29 hours per week.

-       Employed less than 20 hours per week.

-       Not employed.

-       Given a special good cause provision for not participating in at least 30 hours per week in combined work and work-related activities.


·       Deferred referral

-  A parent in a one-parent household who is caring for a child under 12 months of age and is exempt from RESET § 165.21(c)(4).

-       Caring for a disabled child or adult for whom appropriate care is unavailable or with a reasonable distance from home.

-       The parent or specified relative who is providing care for a child under 6 and alternate child care arrangement is unavailable.

-       In the process of a compliance review or receiving TANF assistance pending a timely appeal.

                                                                                                     55 Pa. Code § 141.53 

55 Pa. Code § 141.54(b) 

55 Pa. Code § 141.55(a)

   55 Pa. Code § 141.56

*Note – An adult in ETANF households may qualify under more than one hardship criteria.  CAOs should identify the hardship criteria that would be the most impactful to the family moving towards self-sufficiency and economic independence.

The AMR must specify an ETANF hardship track and the reason the adult head-of-household or spouse qualifies for that track. The AMR must give specific details about the adult’s circumstances. See Section 135.821 Extended TANF Tracks.


105.262 ETANF Redeterminations

If the adult’s or family’s circumstances change and the requirements or the current ETANF hardship criteria no longer apply, the CAO worker will explore eligibility for Extended TANF under another ETANF hardship criteria. Any change in hardship criteria requires a partial renewal, including completion of a new or updated AMR and update to eCIS to reflect the change in the hardship track. See Section 176.32 Determining Eligibility for Extended TANF.   


A partial renewal interview requires:

55 Pa. Code § 133.23(b)(1)(iii)


Updated June 21, 2024, replacing December 28, 2022